
RotateAnimation get current angle

馋奶兔 提交于 2020-02-25 04:32:09
问题 Any tricks to get RotateAnimation current angle? I've an imageview that is rotate with RotateAnimation, imageview.getRotation() is always 0.0. Maybe it's a trick to get the rotation angle ? Thaks 回答1: You can use SensorEvent or Position Sensor for get rotation angle. This is help for SensorEvent here. This is help for PositionSensors here. I hope this is help you. 来源:

Need help on rotating image view with animation on orientation change (4 side rotation) in android

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-24 15:27:57
问题 i have a image view and i need to rotate(with IOS like animation) the image view on orientation change in android(portrait,landscape,reverse portrait and reverse landscape). please advice void rotateAndSet(int angle) { if (currentAngle != angle || currentImage != currentBaseImage) { // This // is // to // remove // unnecessary // drawing currentAngle = angle; currentImage = currentBaseImage; myImg = decodeBase64(currentBaseImage); matrix = new Matrix(); matrix.postRotate(angle); Bitmap

spherical animation with text for using tag cloud in android app [News Republic]

眉间皱痕 提交于 2019-12-23 17:17:15
问题 I want to create spherical animation in my android app similar to this in News Republic app. I have tried to create a sphere so far but can anyone guide me how to proceed to develop animations like this in android. Do we have to use opengl only or we can achieve it with other alternative option. Also, when the text is clicked it opens the related news in a different screen. EDIT I finally found some solution for this, which is available under this package. But, the animation is not smooth

spherical animation with text for using tag cloud in android app [News Republic]

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-23 17:14:35
问题 I want to create spherical animation in my android app similar to this in News Republic app. I have tried to create a sphere so far but can anyone guide me how to proceed to develop animations like this in android. Do we have to use opengl only or we can achieve it with other alternative option. Also, when the text is clicked it opens the related news in a different screen. EDIT I finally found some solution for this, which is available under this package. But, the animation is not smooth

Rotate in hover doesn't work in chrome

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-13 02:08:27
问题 I am new here, so sorry if I am being misunderstood. I made a flip animation when user hovers a div. Works perfectly in Firefox, but not in chrome. I lost last hour trying to find solution. HTML <div class="flip-container" ontouchstart="this.classList.toggle('hover');"> <div class="flipper"> <div class="front"> <img src="" /> </div> <div class="back"> <div class="middle"> <div class="avatar"> <img src="http://planetearth

ImageView is not visible

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-12 03:57:02
问题 I have two ImageView items in FrameLayout : imageView1 and imageView2 . imageView1 is visible and imageView2 is positioned out of screen when activity starts. Then I rotate FrameLayout on some user event using RotateAnimation so imageView2 should become visible and imageView1 should go out of screen. But imageView2 still remains invisible. Does anyone know what's the reason? The code is too large and complicated to show here. But as I have figured out the main problem in translating and

Car animation rotating wheels

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-09 23:45:53
问题 I am working in an app that shows different cars and the user needs to choose one. When you press on next the car moves out of the screen and the new one comes in. My resources are: Car's body Car's wheel (I need them to be separated because when the car moves I need to rotate the wheels) I wanted to avoid AbsoluteLayout so my CarView extends `RelativeLayout. Here's the code: public class CarView extends RelativeLayout { private ImageView mBody; private ImageView mLeftWheel; private ImageView

android what should be pivot point to rotate image around its center of base

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-06 03:48:16
问题 Please read the whole question carefully before marking duplicate or closing it I want to rotate a image(specifically arrow image ) around its center point of base. e.g. At start my image will be like second hand in a clock on 9. And suppose if I rotate that image by 30 degree, it should look like clock second hand on 10 and if 120 degree the clock second hand on 1. So I want to rotate that image around it's center(along x axis) of base. So what should I pass as pivot(X & Y) if I first code

Car animation rotating wheels

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-04 19:52:11
I am working in an app that shows different cars and the user needs to choose one. When you press on next the car moves out of the screen and the new one comes in. My resources are: Car's body Car's wheel (I need them to be separated because when the car moves I need to rotate the wheels) I wanted to avoid AbsoluteLayout so my CarView extends `RelativeLayout. Here's the code: public class CarView extends RelativeLayout { private ImageView mBody; private ImageView mLeftWheel; private ImageView mRightWheel; private float mScale; public CarView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context

android what should be pivot point to rotate image around its center of base

心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-04 07:10:49
Please read the whole question carefully before marking duplicate or closing it I want to rotate a image(specifically arrow image ) around its center point of base. e.g. At start my image will be like second hand in a clock on 9. And suppose if I rotate that image by 30 degree, it should look like clock second hand on 10 and if 120 degree the clock second hand on 1. So I want to rotate that image around it's center(along x axis) of base. So what should I pass as pivot(X & Y) if I first code imageView.setPivotX(1f); imageView.setPivotY(1f); imageView.setRotation(-30); or second code Matrix