问题: I'm still very confused about CommonJS, AMD and RequireJS. 我对CommonJS,AMD和RequireJS仍然很困惑。 Even after reading a lot. 即使阅读了很多。 I know that CommonJS (formerly ServerJS) is a group for defining some JavaScript specifications (ie modules) when the language is used outside the browser. 我知道CommonJS(以前称为ServerJS)是用于在浏览器之外使用该语言时定义一些JavaScript规范(即模块)的组。 CommonJS modules specification has some implementation like Node.js or RingoJS, right? CommonJS模块规范有一些实现,例如Node.js或RingoJS,对吗? What's the relation between CommonJS, Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) and RequireJS? CommonJS,异步模块定义(AMD