
Bootstrap grid with collapsed container in between

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-11-28 04:50:48
问题 It's my very first question here and i hope you can help me. I'm trying to set up a product-overview page with the bootstrap grid. I have got 4 products in a row for large screen sizes. For smaller screen sizes i'd like to have 2 products per row. The trick is, i want to have the product details in a collapsed container between the rows, that opens up, when i click on a product. It's working for the large screen sizes with 4 products. But how to achieve that the collapsed container is showing

html/css responsive 3-column layout - stack right column below left column

心已入冬 提交于 2019-11-28 02:24:51
I'm trying to get the right column of a 3 column layout to move below the left column on smaller screens. Right now the right column moves in the correct direction except that it hangs below the middle column. I created this basic simulation of my issue. Note the middle column will always be longer than the left and right columns as shown here. <style> .container { max-width:1280px; width:100%; height:200px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; display:flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } .leftsidebar { width:20%; height:200px; background-color:gray; margin-top:15px; } .middle { width:57%; background


淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-11-27 20:09:33
响应式网页设计基础【从零开始】 如今的互联网事业突飞猛进,可谓一日千里。响应式网页设计凭借其能为开发者提高开发效率,降低维护成本,提升用户体验等突出优势更是为Web 2.0时代掀起了又一股狂潮,致使无数开发者倾心致力于响应式网页设计。纷纷为响应式设计贡献自己的绵薄之力,当然各大软件制造上肯定不会放过如此良机,也纷纷推出各类响应式设计软件。理所当然不乏优秀之作: Groundwork ,一款开源的响应式设计工具,在 Github 上可以找到其项目源代码。 Groundwork 提供多套通用响应式页面模版,用于快速构建Web响应式应用程序。此外,它还提供丰富的UI组件,详情可以访问 Groundwork官网 。 FROONT ,一个网页版的响应式开发工具。提供在线编辑,布局调整,以及在不同临界值之间切换预览等响应式开发必备功能,还能导出html/css文件,实属强大的响应式开发工具,更具体的介绍请参看 FROONT官网 ,注册并登录即可体验在线响应式开发。 Adobe Edge Reflow CC ,由世界著名软件大户Adobe公司开发的响应式网页设计软件。和Adobe Dreamweaver、Adobe Photoshop等知名软件一样,Adobe Edge Reflow CC是一款桌面应用程序,配合 Adobe Edge Inspect CC

Fit website background image to screen size

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-11-27 19:25:09
I'm just starting on a website and I already encounter a small problem where I can't find a specific solution to. I wanted to make my website background fit any screen size in width, height does not matter. This is the link to my image: ../IMAGES/background.jpg EDIT I have no idea what's wrong, but for some reason the body doesn't even want to get the background image. It just displays a plain white background. body {background-image:url(../IMAGES/background.jpg);} you can do this with this plugin or background-image:url(../IMAGES/background

Vaadin - Responsive Columns

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-11-27 18:49:42
问题 I'm new to using Vaadin and have been trying to work out how I can make 2 Components be side by side when at full screen, but then stack on top of each other when the screen is mobile. My current understanding is that a HorizontalLayout puts things side by side. And a VerticalLayout puts things on top of one another. So how do I go about using the functionality from both? 回答1: You need to look into using a different Layout type. Vaadin offers you a CssLayout and CustomLayout as well as the

100% width background image with an 'auto' height

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-11-27 17:09:23
I'm currently working on a mobile landing page for a company. It's a really basic layout but below the header there's an image of a product which will always be 100% width (the design shows it always going from edge to edge). Depending on the width of the screen the height of the image will obviously adjust accordingly. I originally did this with an img (with a CSS width of 100%) and it worked great but I've realised that I'd like to use media queries to serve different images based on different resolutions - let's say a small, medium and a large version of the same image, for example. I know


元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-11-27 05:14:40
背景 2013年是网页设计响应式的一年。所谓响应式网页设计,是由Ethan Marcotte在2010年提出的名词,指可以自动识别屏幕宽度、并做出相应调整的网页设计。简单来说就是同一张网页自动适应不同大小的屏幕,根据屏幕宽度,自动调整布局。这是一个多么强大的概念,一套代码兼容所有设备,节省维护成本,提高开发效率。然而,现实并非如此完美,在其强大的背后也有鲜为人知的辛酸苦楚。 众所周知,在响应式设计出现或者说在各种移动设备不断迅速抢占PC市场之前,所有的网页设计几乎不要求兼容移动设备,而在PC端的开发调试已经相当成熟,各种调试工具纷纷脱颖而出,诸如:Firebug、Chrome开发者工具等。这让开发者如鱼得水,在传统网页设计中游刃有余。 而如今的互联网市场已经有很大一部分属于移动设备的领地,网页设计兼容移动设备刻不容缓,而响应式设计的提出让这一目标成为可能,甚至可以说是网页设计兼容移动设备的完美解决方案。但是,光有方案只能是空谈,几乎没有人能够不经过反复调试就能写出完全正确的代码,移动设备上的开发调试给网页设计带来了阻力,让开发者不得不投入更多的成本用以对移动设备兼容的调试。所以良好的移动开发调试工具必须问世,而拥有一款优秀的移动开发调试工具,必然给响应式网页设计锦上添花。 人类的智慧是无穷的,2010年底weinre问世,至今weinre已经发布2.0.0版本

html/css responsive 3-column layout - stack right column below left column

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-11-27 04:53:33
问题 I'm trying to get the right column of a 3 column layout to move below the left column on smaller screens. Right now the right column moves in the correct direction except that it hangs below the middle column. I created this basic simulation of my issue. Note the middle column will always be longer than the left and right columns as shown here. <style> .container { max-width:1280px; width:100%; height:200px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; display:flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } .leftsidebar {

Fit website background image to screen size

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-11-27 04:22:12
问题 I'm just starting on a website and I already encounter a small problem where I can't find a specific solution to. I wanted to make my website background fit any screen size in width, height does not matter. This is the link to my image: ../IMAGES/background.jpg EDIT I have no idea what's wrong, but for some reason the body doesn't even want to get the background image. It just displays a plain white background. body {background-image:url(../IMAGES/background.jpg);} 回答1: you can do this with

Bootstrap xs columns wrap

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-11-26 19:13:15
For the smallest xs size, even if I have the columns adding up to 12, they don't work as expected if screen width decreases beyond a certain limit. For instance:- <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-2"> </div> <div class="col-xs-1 col-xs-offset-8> </div> <div class="col-xs-1> </div> </div> I would expect the if I decrease the size the last column will get stacked up to the end of the screen. However, this is not the case. As the screen decreases beyond a certain limit, the last column wraps up toward the beginning of the screen. I have thought about writing css code to