
CMake and Visual Studio resource files

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-04 21:41:13
问题 I am converting a C++ project created using Visual Studio 2005 to CMake and have stumbled upon a bit of a problem with resource files that are included in the project. The project includes a .rc file, a bunch of .ico files and a .rc2 file. The regular .rc file works fine in the generated project and uses the resource compiler. The .ico and .rc2 files however are causing problems when they are just being included, because in the generated project Visual Studio attempts to compile them using

Error RC2135 in C++ project due to UTF-8 encoding of RC file

可紊 提交于 2019-12-04 06:32:00
After switching from Visual Studio 2010 to 2012 I got 10 RC2135 errors that looked rather strange in one of my C++ projects. Error 1 error RC2135: file not found: 0x06 NamedPipesNative.rc 19 1 NamedPipesNative Error 2 error RC2135: file not found: 1 NamedPipesNative.rc 28 1 NamedPipesNative Error 3 error RC2135: file not found: 5 NamedPipesNative.rc 29 1 NamedPipesNative Error 4 error RC2135: file not found: 5 NamedPipesNative.rc 30 1 NamedPipesNative Error 5 error RC2135: file not found: 0x17L NamedPipesNative.rc 31 1 NamedPipesNative Error 6 error RC2135: file not found: FILEOS

How to use .net Resource files in javascript

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-04 06:17:58
is there anyway i can access my resource files (.resx) in javascript? if no then are there any workarounds to diplay messages in javascript in different languages? If your javascript is in the page you can use: var globalResource = '<%= Resources.YourClass.YourResourceKey %>'; to access the Global Resources (/App_GlobalResources). Or var localResource = '<%= GetLocalResourceObject("LocalResourceKey").ToString() %>'; to access the Local resources (/App_LocalResources relative to the page position). Or a javascript solution may be this nice jQuery plugin. i did it by using Jquery ajax which line break \\n in resource .resx file does not work

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-04 05:25:23
The "\n" does not work in below code, it's just displayed as "\n" if (!window.confirm(XXXXX.Globalization.LocalResource.InvalidUrl)) { return false; } the string is "Invalid URL! \n Are you sure you want to continue?" in resource resx file. how to make it work? Try shift-enter to create a new line in the designer. Alternatively copy and paste the result from notepad. Another way is to edit the RESX xml manually. The problem is that the RESX designer UI will auto-escape the strings. So your value is actually: "Invalid URL! \\n Are you sure you want to continue?" What worked in my case was this:

CMake and Visual Studio resource files

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-12-03 13:06:51
I am converting a C++ project created using Visual Studio 2005 to CMake and have stumbled upon a bit of a problem with resource files that are included in the project. The project includes a .rc file, a bunch of .ico files and a .rc2 file. The regular .rc file works fine in the generated project and uses the resource compiler. The .ico and .rc2 files however are causing problems when they are just being included, because in the generated project Visual Studio attempts to compile them using the C/C++ compiler. I assume that these files are included by the .rc file, so it would probably work to

Visual Studio duplicating resource .cs file

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-03 08:16:58
问题 Visual Studio has begun exhibiting a rather irritating quirk. When I edit a resource file (using either the designer view or editing the XML directly), it creates a duplicate resource Designer.cs file, which causes the project to be unable to build. Example: Let's say my resource file is called ProjectSQL.resx. If you expand ProjectSQL.resx in the Solution Explorer, it shows ProjectSQL.Designer.cs. When I make an edit to one of the queries defined in ProjectSQL.resx, it saves fine, but

PYQT4 - How do I compile and import a qrc file into my program?

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-02 22:00:32
I'm having trouble importing a resource file. I'm using pyqt4 with monkey studio and I am trying to import a png image. When I run the program I get an import error like ImportError: No module named icon_rc I know that I have to compile it using pyrcc4 but I don't understand how to do this can anybody help please. It would be very helpful to have an answer that fully explains how to compile the resource file so I can import it. Thomas Open cmd (or terminal on *nix) and run pyrcc4 -py3 F:\computing\Payrollv22\icon.qrc -o It compiled the file successfully and I was able to import the

How to use string interpolation in a resource file?

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-01 15:57:23
问题 I would like to use a resource file to send an email. In my resource file I used a variable "EmailConfirmation" with the value "Hello {userName} ... " In my class I used: public static string message (string userName) { return Resource.WebResource.EmailConfirmation } The problem is that the return says "Hello {userName}" instead of "Hello Toto". 回答1: You can't make use of string interpolation in the context of resources. However you could achieve that you want by making use of string.Format .

Android Obfuscation for code as well as resources

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-11-30 09:57:08
Google recommends and packs in ProGuard for code obfuscation. However the default configuration that it comes with seems minimal and one can reverse engineer to certain extent. Most people looking to reverse engineer are not really looking for detail code, but may be extract the logic. Are there any guidelines so as to configure ProGuard more efficiently ?(Something to the extent Javascript is minimized would be good.) Secondly, there are tools like apktool that enable extracting the Manifest as well as the resource files. And there is no level of obfuscation in them. These can certainly

Visual Studio : can't find “resource file” in list of items to add to project

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-11-30 07:53:38
I'm on VS Community 2017 RC. I'd like to add a resource file (.resx) to my project but this item type is not listed in the items Have I missed something ? Do I need to install anything on top of my Visual Studio to be able to manage resource files ? Slime recipe At the top right corner you have a searchbox, try typing it there and see if it finds anything. If it doesn't, select a text file in the new item dialog and change its extension to resx It should now open the new file with the resources designer. Now open the properties pane for that file (right click it in the solution explorer) and