
Why since java 9 PhantomReference java doc states that it is dedicated to the POST-mortem cleanup actions although it was PRE-mortem before

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-05 07:41:22
问题 PhantomReference java doc for java 8 and less looks like this: Phantom reference objects, which are enqueued after the collector determines that their referents may otherwise be reclaimed. Phantom references are most often used for scheduling pre-mortem cleanup actions in a more flexible way than is possible with the Java finalization mechanism. If the garbage collector determines at a certain point in time that the referent of a phantom reference is phantom reachable, then at that time or at

If I set a variable using `CreateObject()`, do I need to clean it up by setting it to `Nothing` after use?

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-04 22:43:05
If I set a variable using CreateObject() , do I need to clean it up by setting it to Nothing after use? Dim foo Set foo = CreateObject("SomeAssembly") foo Bar Set foo = Nothing I just found this post by Eric Lippert : The script engine will automatically clear those variables when they go out of scope, so clearing them the statement before they go out of scope seems to be pointless. Eric Lippert If I set a variable using CreateObject(), do I need to clean it up by setting it to Nothing after use? Typically you do not, but it has become lore in the VB community that you do. If you are a

The definitive code that prevents a c# console app from exiting [until custom cleanup code has completed]

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-04 17:48:46
Can we work together to come up with something that works for control-c, control-break, log off, window X button pressed, etc? Here is what I have so far: class Program { private static ConsoleEventHandlerDelegate consoleHandler; delegate bool ConsoleEventHandlerDelegate(CtrlTypes eventCode); static void Main(string[] args) { consoleHandler = new ConsoleEventHandlerDelegate(ConsoleCtrlCheck); SetConsoleCtrlHandler(consoleHandler, true); System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Exited += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { GeneralManager.Stop(); }; Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate

How to clean node_modules folder when prepping for deployment

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-04 09:44:17
问题 How would I go about cleaning the node_modules folder when prepping my code for deployment. I am making an app using node-webkit and would prefer to include the least amount of files possible when bundling the final version of the app as the unzip process takes some time. I've looked at npm dedupe and use npm install --production to get rid of duplicates and fetch only production files, however I am still left with Readme files, benchmarks , tests and build files which I don't need. What I

Why since java 9 PhantomReference java doc states that it is dedicated to the POST-mortem cleanup actions although it was PRE-mortem before

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-03 21:58:59
PhantomReference java doc for java 8 and less looks like this: Phantom reference objects, which are enqueued after the collector determines that their referents may otherwise be reclaimed. Phantom references are most often used for scheduling pre-mortem cleanup actions in a more flexible way than is possible with the Java finalization mechanism. If the garbage collector determines at a certain point in time that the referent of a phantom reference is phantom reachable, then at that time or at some later time it will enqueue the reference. In order to ensure that a reclaimable object remains so

Akka: Cleanup of dynamically created actors necessary when they have finished?

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-03 16:16:41
问题 I have implemented an Actor system using Akka and its Java API UntypedActor. In it, one actor (type A) starts other actors (type B) dynamically on demand, using getContext().actorOf(...); . Those B actors will do some computation which A doesn't really care about anymore. But I'm wondering: is it necessary to clean up those actors of type B when they have finished? If so, how? By having B actors call getContext().stop(getSelf()) when they're done? By having B actors call getSelf().tell(Actors

Powershell - “Clear-Item variable:” vs “Remove-Variable”

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-03 14:27:42
问题 When storing text temporarily in powershell variables at runtime, what is the most efficient way of removing a variables contents from memory when no longer needed? I've used both Clear-Item variable: and Remove-Variable but how quickly does something get removed from memory with the latter vs nulling the memory contents with the former? EDIT: I should have made it a little clearer why I am asking. I am automating RDP login for a bunch of application VMs (application doesn't run as a service,

Disposable Resource Pattern

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-03 13:32:48
Is there anything standardized within the Scala library to support the disposable resource pattern ? I mean something similar to that supported by C# and .NET just to mention one. For example does official Scala library provide something like this: trait Disposable { def dispose() } class Resource extends Disposable using (new Resource) { r => } Note: I'm aware of this article « Scala finally block closing/flushing resource » but it seems not integrated within the standard lib vossad01 At this time you will need to look to the Scala ARM for a common implementation. Though, as you mentioned, it

Akka: Cleanup of dynamically created actors necessary when they have finished?

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-03 04:44:00
I have implemented an Actor system using Akka and its Java API UntypedActor. In it, one actor (type A) starts other actors (type B) dynamically on demand, using getContext().actorOf(...); . Those B actors will do some computation which A doesn't really care about anymore. But I'm wondering: is it necessary to clean up those actors of type B when they have finished? If so, how? By having B actors call getContext().stop(getSelf()) when they're done? By having B actors call getSelf().tell(Actors.poisonPill()); when they're done? [this is what I'm using now]. By doing nothing? By ...? The docs are

Powershell - “Clear-Item variable:” vs “Remove-Variable”

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-03 04:33:20
When storing text temporarily in powershell variables at runtime, what is the most efficient way of removing a variables contents from memory when no longer needed? I've used both Clear-Item variable: and Remove-Variable but how quickly does something get removed from memory with the latter vs nulling the memory contents with the former? EDIT: I should have made it a little clearer why I am asking. I am automating RDP login for a bunch of application VMs (application doesn't run as a service, outsourced developers, long story). So, I am developing (largely finished) a script to group launch