
JQuery .replaceWith() html element to div class

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2021-01-28 08:07:51
问题 I want to replace <div class="blog">Blog</h1> with <h1>Blog</h1> which is inside a class name "sidebar" I used this code but didn't work: $(window).load(function() { $( ".sidebar h1" ).replaceWith( "<div class="blog">Blog</h1>" ); } What is wrong on my code? 回答1: If you want double quotes within a string that is delimited by double quotes, you must escape them with a backslash: "<div class=\"blog\">Blog</h1>" Many programmers use single quotes for JavaScript strings, which makes it easier to

Replace value in a specific with corresponding value

99封情书 提交于 2020-01-24 21:31:07
问题 I have a dataframe called REF with the following structure: old_id new_id 3 6 4 7 5 8 I want to replace all the values that can be found equal to any of the old_id values in another dataframe NEW that is: old_id column_1 column_2 3 a e 4 b f 9 c g 9 d h Therefore the new output dataset NEW will be: old_id column_1 column_2 6 a e 7 b f 9 c g 9 d h 回答1: Use map: s = df1.set_index('old_id')['new_id'] df2['old_id'] = df2['old_id'].map(s).fillna(df2['old_id']) Or slowier solution with replace: df2

how to use jquery 'replaceWith' twice in a document?

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-01-16 13:16:13
问题 i am trying to activate a jQuery 'replaceWith' function on click to replace div1 with div2 and then use 'replaceWith' again to replace div2 with div1 on click. everything is working except, when clicking on div2, div1 does not re-appear. my code is: $(document).ready(function(){ $("#open_doors").click(function(){ $("#leftdoor_inner").animate({"left": "-=164px"}, 'slow'); $("#leftdoor_outer").animate({"left": "-=74px"},'slow'); $("#rightdoor_inner").animate({"left": "+=164px"},'slow'); $("

replaceWith() while elements fadeOut() and fadeIn() in JQuery

二次信任 提交于 2020-01-16 01:04:10
问题 What I'm trying to do is simply, fadeout all images inside containers, replace #next1's image to #active and after that fadein all images again. here is my code: $('.logo').fadeOut('slow', function() { $('#active>img').replaceWith( $('#next1>img') ); }).fadeIn('slow', function() {}); this does not work. i found myself looking at the empty #active but this however; $('.logo').fadeOut('slow', function() {}).fadeIn('slow', function() {}); $('#active>img').replaceWith( $('#next1>img') ); makes

Update a tag name along with its value

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2020-01-07 08:01:12
问题 I am trying to replace html tags with updated values. I had tried using JSOUP but could not work out a way yet. The functionality : if (webText.contains("a href")) { // Parse it into jsoup Document doc = Jsoup.parse(webText); // Create an array to tackle every type individually as wrap can // affect whole body types otherwises. Element[] array = new Element["a").size()]; for (int i = 0; i <"a").size(); i++) { if ("a").get(i) != null) { array[i] =

Replace HR Element with Open Div

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-01-04 06:05:09
问题 So I have been stumped with this for a while now and can't really seem to get around it. I have some content that is added through a wysiwyg editor. What I want to do is use the <hr> element to add divs in there to control the look of the container. The problem is that it adds the closing div. I want to add the closing div to the next hr element. var firstChild = jQuery('.content-container-wrapper hr:first-child'); var lastChild = jQuery('.content-container-wrapper hr:last-child'); if

“jQuery way” to replace just a text node with a mix of HTML and text?

可紊 提交于 2020-01-02 03:54:09
问题 In my web browser userscript project I need to replace just one text node without affecting the other HTML elements under the same parent node as the text. And I need to replace it with more than one node: <div id="target"> foo / bar; baz<img src="/image.png"></div> Needs to become: <div id="target"> <a href="#">foo</a> / <a href="#">bar</a>; <a href="#">baz</a><img src="/image.png"></div> I know jQuery doesn't have a whole lot of support for text nodes. I know I could use direct DOM calls

r Replace only some table values with values from alternate table

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-20 04:20:57
问题 This is not a "vlookup-and-fill-down" question. My source data is excellent at delivering all the data I need, just not in in a usable form. Recent changes in volume mean manually adjusted fixes are no longer feasible. I have an inventory table and a services table. The inventory report does not contain purchase order data for services or non-inventory items. The services table (naturally) does. They are of course different shapes. Pseudo-coding would be something to the effect of for every

New Line in Textarea to be converted to <br/>

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-18 10:09:41
问题 There's a lot of threads here about converting br/> or preserving newlines across different languages, but not many regarding textarea. I have this script: var boxText = ""; $("textarea.BoxText").live('dblclick', function () { boxText = $(this).val().replace(/ /g, "<br/>"); $(this).replaceWith( '<div class="BoxText">' + $(this).val() + '</div>' ); }); $("div.BoxText").live('dblclick', function () { $(this).replaceWith( '<textarea form="HTML" class="BoxText">' + boxText + '</textarea>' ); });

Change the tag but keep the attributes and content — jQuery/Javascript

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-17 09:55:08
问题 Text changed to <p href="page.html" class="class1 class2" id="thisid">Text</p> I'm familiar with jQuery's replaceWith but that doesn't keep attributes/content as far as I know. Note: Why would p have a href ? Cuz I need to change p back to a on another event. 回答1: try this: var $a = $('a#thisid'); var ahref = $a.attr('href'); var aclass = $a.attr('class'); var aid = $a.attr('id'); var atext = $a.text(); $a.replaceWith('<p href="'+ ahref +'" class="'+ aclass +'" id="'+ aid+'">'+ atext +'</p>')