
Put JTable in the JTree

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-17 05:11:45
问题 in connection with thread Jtable as a Jtree Node I put JTable to JTree, but JTree View isn't rendered correctly on start_up, how can I setPreferredSize for JTable , because PreferredScrollableViewportSize shrinked JTable with rendering TableHeader + one Row , one Row remain hidden, but after expanding Node(s) TreeRenderer change and repaint the setPreferredSize to the expected Dimension import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; import javax.swing

Render icon to the right side in the JList using DefaultListCellRenderer

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-13 20:16:57
问题 I have a DefaultListCellRenderer in my program and it does all the work fine but I was wondering if I can add image to the far right in the JList instead of putting it to the left. Is it possible to render icon to the right side in the JList using DefaultListCellRenderer ? And if yes help me use that in following code. public class RCellRenderer extends DefaultListCellRenderer { String runm = ""; public RCellRenderer(String runm) { this.runm = runm; } public Component

How to put Buttons into Swing Table in Scala?

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-12-13 18:10:58
问题 For Java the solution is here: How to add button in a row of JTable in Swing java (I need to put Buttons in given column, not a row). When translating it into Scala I have the problem with setting new renderer for table column. There is no getter method for column and there is no getter method for column model. At least I don't see any: Table API. I need something like this: table.getColumn(... or table.getColumnModel(... to inject my ButtonRenderer. How to set a column with button with Swing

Xamarin Forms Map pin renderer open page

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-13 09:50:52
问题 I am prety new with Renderers on Xamarin. I am following this tutorial ( to make a custom pin. The problem it's the following: I need to do a custom pin, the custom pin only has 2 default labels and 1 Button. That button needs open a page from PCL project. How can I do that click button go to PCL page? 回答1: You can send a message from your custom MapRenderer whenever a pin is

Custom DirectShow Video Renderer Filter - Dynamic Resolution Change

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-13 08:41:21
问题 I have a Custom DirectShow Video Renderer Filter which has some extended features over Microsoft's Video Renderer Filter like overlay images. I know I could do the same with a Transform Filter but I've chosen that way. I also believe, I would face the same problem with a Transform Filter which I'll describe below. When I use Microsoft's Video Renderer Filter , it is capable of resizing the window and buffer sizes automatically when stream starts/changes. My filter is capable of doing the same

How to prevent overlays on the map from disappearing when zoom scale changes in swift?

随声附和 提交于 2019-12-13 04:18:55
问题 I am trying to render an overlay (polygon) on the map using swift MapKit. I can render successfully but when I zoom out too much then zoom in again, all the rendered polygons get disappear. How can I prevent that from happening and force the rendered polygons to stay on the map at all zoom scales? I am using MapKit and MKPolygonRenderer. I add the polygons to the map using the following method in my viewController: // function to add polygon overlay to the map private func addPolygonsToMap()

JTable with cell flashing

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-12 14:44:19
问题 I am writing an application using the Swing library in Java. I have a table component that extends JTable , and in this component I have overridden the method getTableCellRendererComponent , because I color the cells of the table. I have a custom table model (that extends from the default table model), and the table component itself I have added to a JPanel. All this works. Now I would like to add to this table, some functionality to have a cell flashing. Potentially, more than one cell can

Rails Custom Renderer

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-12 08:15:59
问题 I've been trying to create a custom renderer based on this Yehuda Katz's blog post. It works if I call render :my_custom_renderer => "index" , but it doesn't work with default respond_with or format.my_custom_renderer I created a simple example, . From a blank app, add the following lines: In config/mime_types.rb: Mime::Type.register_alias 'text/html', :my_custom_renderer In config/my_custom_renderer.rb: require "action_controller/metal/renderers" ActionController.add_renderer :my_custom

how set Image in jTable cell when click(Mouse Event) the row?

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-12 04:54:36
问题 How to set the Image in jTable cell when click(Mouse event) the row?If I select first row the image will display in that row.Then i click the second row, the image will show in the second row?how to do this using table cell renderer or prepare renderer? 回答1: If you just want the image to appear in the table cell, use the default renderer for ImageIcon and ensure that your TableModel returns ImageIcon.class for that column. If you want the image to appear in response to a click, consider using

How to change the default region on the page where the block is displayed?

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-12 02:58:03
问题 I want to extend a theme in Moodle , and want to change the place (on the page) where a question (in a quiz) is displayed. I have seen the structure of the theme I want to extend. Firstly, I believed that I will have to change the default region (from regions like $side-pre and $side-post etc.) for the block containing the question, for the layout option (like front-page , standard , course etc. ... list of all options here) which represents the page for the quiz. But I can't find the layout