C# Regex - Trying to get all the Tab character enclosed within double quotes
问题 In the end, I will want to replace all the \t that are enclosed within " I'm currently on Regex101 trying various iterations of my regex... This is the the closest I have so far... originString = blah\t\"blah\tblah\"\t\"blah\"\tblah\tblah\t\"blah\tblah\t\tblah\t\"\t\"\tbleh\" regex = \t?+\"{1}[^"]?+([\t])?+[^"]?+\" \t?+ maybe one or more tab \"{1} a double quote [^"]?+ anything but a double quote ([\t])?+ capture all the tabs [^"]?+ anything but a double quote \"{1} a double quote My logic is