

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2020-10-30 17:02:04
基于深度学习的小目标检测算法文献综述阅读 目标检测简要介绍 传统目标检测 基于深度学习的目标检测 基于候选区域的目标检测 基于回归的目标检测 小目标检测背景介绍及难点 小目标检测算法介绍 多尺度预测 反卷积和上采样 对抗网络GAN 总结与展望 最近做了一个对于小目标检测算法的文献的阅读,在搜查文献的时候,了解了目标检测的发展过程以及其中比较典型的算法,以下根据汇报的PPT从四个方法介绍小目标检测算法文献综述,分别是: 目标检测的简要介绍、小目标检测背景介绍及难点、小目标检测算法介绍、总结与展望 ,此篇博客也可作为汇报的讲稿。 目标检测简要介绍 目标检测过程简单的可以分为两个过程:定位和识别,定位是对于某一个目标位于哪一个位置而言,识别是指所定位的目标是什么,是一个分类问题。目标检测的发展也可以分为两个过程,其一是传统的目标检测,另一个是基于深度学习的目标检测。 传统目标检测 传统目标检测可以分为三个过程:获取检测窗口、手工设计感兴趣目标的特征、训练分类器。 1998年Papageorgiou发表一篇关于A general framework for object detection,提出Harr分类器,这是一个用于检测人脸的目标检测分类器,计算获取的每个检测窗口的像素总和,然后取它们的差值,利用差值作为特征进行目标分类,该方法的优点是速度快。2004年,David

【你只需看一次】YOLO 全系列目标检测算法

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2020-08-20 02:56:22
文章目录 一、概述 二、Yolo系列全家桶 YOLOv1 开山鼻祖之作 YOLOv2 YOLOv3 YOLOv4 目标检测tricks集大成者 YOLOv5 Fast YOLO Complex-YOLO MV-YOLO YOLO3D YOLO-6D YOLO-LITE Spiking-YOLO DC-SPP-YOLO SpeechYOLO Complexer-YOLO SlimYOLOv3 REQ-YOLO YOLO Nano xYOLO IFQ-Tinier-YOLO DG-YOLO Poly-YOLO E-YOLO PP-YOLO 一、概述 我对yolo系列好感较高,虽不及其他系列的精度,速度,但是他现在已经精度与速度之中做了trade off ,侧端也友好。本文引自我爱计算机视觉,后续我将对这些算法消融对比,关注公众号(原文底部)敬请期待。 YOLO目标检测算法诞生于2015年6月,从出生的那一天起就是“高精度、高效率、高实用性”目标检测算法的代名词。 在原作者Joseph Redmon博士手中YOLO经历了三代到YOLOv3,今年初Joseph Redmon宣告退出计算机视觉研究界后,YOLOv4、YOLOv5相继而出,且不论谁是正统,这YOLO算法家族在创始人拂袖而出后依然热闹非凡。 本文带领大家细数在此名门之中自带“YOLO”的算法,总计 23 项工作

Redmon redirect to a .NET Windows.Forms application

前提是你 提交于 2020-01-05 04:59:09
问题 I have an interesting task: to write a program which captures input from the program called Redmon. It is basically a virtual printer which redirects the output to a program. I installed Redmon and created a winforms application to catch the output. But I'm stuck here. I checked what does my program receives and it is nothing on the parameter level (the string[] on main args are empty). Redmon starts my program, but then it is stopping. I guess I should read somehow the content it is sending

Configuring a printer's redirect port via prompt

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-24 01:54:18
问题 I've been trying to create an installer for a program I wrote in Java, implementing GhostScript, that creates a virtual printer where the file is sent to. My program then reads the files and manages it accordingly. However, I had to manually configure the RedMon Redirect Port (RPT1:) and manually created a new printer, using that port, taking as arguments the .jar file: Arguments configured on the printer's port: I was able to create a new printer via NSIS (the program I'm using to create the


纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-08 02:04:12
问题 I installed a PostScript printer driver and have setup REDMON (redmonnt.dll) for redirecting postscript output to my program. In my rather simple c program I capture the data from STDIN and I am able to successfully save it into a .ps file. The file looks OK. However, I want to start gsview.exe for viewing the file. If I call ShellExecute it fails in Windows 7 because of permission issues. It seems that my program is called under a different user account (LOCAL SERVICE). So I am looking for a


六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-06 04:15:47
I installed a PostScript printer driver and have setup REDMON (redmonnt.dll) for redirecting postscript output to my program. In my rather simple c program I capture the data from STDIN and I am able to successfully save it into a .ps file. The file looks OK. However, I want to start gsview.exe for viewing the file. If I call ShellExecute it fails in Windows 7 because of permission issues. It seems that my program is called under a different user account (LOCAL SERVICE). So I am looking for a way to run gsview.exe under a specific username (the user who initiated the print job) which is

Can't add new Redirected Port in Windows 7 after installing RedMon

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-11-29 08:55:15
问题 My operating system is Windows 7 32bit. I installed RedMon1.7 , Ghostscript 8.71 and GSview 4.9 ; installations were successful. I went to Add New Local Printer in Windows Devices and Printers , clicked on Create A New Port , and selected Redirected Port from the Type of Port list. Clicked Next and in the Add New Port window I named RPT1: and clicked OK but it says Specified port cannot be added. Operation could not be completed (error 0x00000001) I tried giving different names to the port,

Intercepting data sent to a Windows printer (using RedMon)

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2019-11-28 21:55:39
I need to intercept data being sent to a ESC/POS printer on Windows and analyze it. So I wanted to get the data in plain text, so that I can extract and make sense of information being sent to the printer. Currently, I have tried using RedMon to get the data stream being sent to the printer port. But the data being sent is in the form of raster graphics i.e. dots to be printed, embedded within ESC/POS commands. So I was wondering if somebody can suggest me on how can I get the print data in text format so as to be able to extract some information from it. The data which is sent to a ESC/POS

Intercepting data sent to a Windows printer (using RedMon)

半腔热情 提交于 2019-11-27 14:05:56
问题 I need to intercept data being sent to a ESC/POS printer on Windows and analyze it. So I wanted to get the data in plain text, so that I can extract and make sense of information being sent to the printer. Currently, I have tried using RedMon to get the data stream being sent to the printer port. But the data being sent is in the form of raster graphics i.e. dots to be printed, embedded within ESC/POS commands. So I was wondering if somebody can suggest me on how can I get the print data in