

一世执手 提交于 2020-01-08 16:01:26
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 我的Nexus 7 (2013 Mobile版), 升级到最新的Android 6.0.1(MOB30M)之后, 为了搞点研究,我再次手动把TWRP刷机神器安装上去了,其实不是完全刷机,只是把平时用不着的一个recovery分区给刷了而已,这样一来启动时就可以按住特殊件选择进入这个分区,什么都可以干了。一如既往的顺利。 先从 下载到TWRP的映像文件, 然后按住Power+VolumeDown进入bootloader, 然后执行刷机命令 $ fastboot flash recovery /Users/q/Downloads/twrp-3.0.2-0-deb.img sending 'recovery' (8860 KB)... OKAY [ 0.285s] writing 'recovery'... OKAY [ 0.660s] finished. total time: 0.944s 然后,用Volume上下键选择Recovery mode, 按Power按钮执行选择。这就进入了TWRP的启动界面了。 进入这个TWRP的好处就是,可以任意操作任何文件了,Advanced里面有Mount工具,还有文件管理器工具。


北城余情 提交于 2020-01-08 06:37:39
1、刷机前要确认HSPL是否解锁(未解锁刷机会变砖头,千万要注意) 如何察看是否解锁:进入三色屏。 进入三色屏方法: 开机 状态下重启 手机 或关机状态下开机,并马上按住“音量下”键,直到出现三色屏再松开音量键。如果后缀不是HSPL(而是0001之类的)那就是未刷HSPL(未解锁),千万不要开始刷机,否则会变砖头。    未解锁   已解锁 SPL 1.42.0000---1.42 HSPL SPL 1.62.0000---1.62 HSPL SPL 1.66.0000---1.66 HSPL SPL 2.07.0000---2.07 HSPL SPL 2.08.0000---2.08 HSPL SPL 2.10.0000---2.10 HSPL 解除三色屏:卸掉 电池 或用尖锐物捅一下电池仓旁边的红色小按钮(T版为黄色小按钮)。 2、HSPL解锁步骤(已解锁的跳过此步) HD2 LEO解锁 程序 目前最新的是HSPL3_PKG,安装此HSPL要事先确认你机器的SPL为1.42.0000,否则安装将失败(若不是1.42,可先安装HSPL2.EXE升级或降级到1.42)。安装HSPL3_PKG时确保 电脑 上已经安装了ActiveSync(如不清楚去下载91手机助手,会根据你的电脑系统版本 自动 下载安装),并且能够正常连接手机进行同步操作。USB线连接手机后运行HSPL3_PKG

How to recover a dropped database on MySQL

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-01-06 05:39:08
问题 I accidentaly dropped a database on MySQL yog ultimate. Also, I found that the IT guy uninstalled MySQL yog from the machine. Now am working on two machines which includes the one from which database was dropped and mysql was uninstalled. Is there a way to recover the dropped databases. 回答1: You said in a comment that you have a backup from a couple of hours prior to the data loss. If you also have binary logs, you can restore the backup, and then reapply changes from the binary logs. Here is


廉价感情. 提交于 2020-01-05 00:45:18
1、刷机前要确认HSPL是否解锁(未解锁刷机会变砖头,千万要注意) 如何察看是否解锁:进入三色屏。 进入三色屏方法: 开机 状态下重启 手机 或关机状态下开机,并马上按住“音量下”键,直到出现三色屏再松开音量键。如果后缀不是HSPL(而是0001之类的)那就是未刷HSPL(未解锁),千万不要开始刷机,否则会变砖头。    未解锁   已解锁 SPL 1.42.0000---1.42 HSPL SPL 1.62.0000---1.62 HSPL SPL 1.66.0000---1.66 HSPL SPL 2.07.0000---2.07 HSPL SPL 2.08.0000---2.08 HSPL SPL 2.10.0000---2.10 HSPL 解除三色屏:卸掉 电池 或用尖锐物捅一下电池仓旁边的红色小按钮(T版为黄色小按钮)。 2、HSPL解锁步骤(已解锁的跳过此步) HD2 LEO解锁 程序 目前最新的是HSPL3_PKG,安装此HSPL要事先确认你机器的SPL为1.42.0000,否则安装将失败(若不是1.42,可先安装HSPL2.EXE升级或降级到1.42)。安装HSPL3_PKG时确保 电脑 上已经安装了ActiveSync(如不清楚去下载91手机助手,会根据你的电脑系统版本 自动 下载安装),并且能够正常连接手机进行同步操作。USB线连接手机后运行HSPL3_PKG

HTC Touch Pro2 T7373 直刷Android

痴心易碎 提交于 2020-01-05 00:44:27
上个周末的时候,闲着无聊,把手机给刷了。之前从没刷过机,用了两天的时间。 手机:HTC TP2 T7373 T-mobile版 RHOD210 android:2.3.7 【ACL版】 方法:网上抄的。这做个备份。 ------------------------------ 声明:你如果也用下面的方法,请自行负责。要是手机变砖头了,可是和我无关啊。 不过想刷成砖头,还真不容易, how to install android in HTC touch pro2 T7373 T-mobile 2012.03.19 by john Note: 使用前,请一定要备份所有重要的东西。 0.确定手机解锁 1.准备使用的文件和程序 1.1 NBH.rar 1.2 OMGB_rhodium-1.2.3-2012.02.03_newAudio.rar 1.3 1.4听说用豌豆荚也可以的,没试过) 2.NBH准备 从NBH.rar中解压出RHOD210.NBH,数字210对应的是T-mobile版的TP2。将其改名为 RHODIMG.NBH,将RHODIMG.NBH和OMGB_rhodim-1.2.3-2012.02.03_newAudio.rar两个 文件放到手机microSD卡的根目录

MySQL: InnoDb: Semaphore wait has lasted > 600 seconds. We intentionally crash the server

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2020-01-02 10:00:36
问题 MySQL 5.7.16 server on Windows Server 2012R2 with 32GB RAM is now restarting itself every 18minutes or so with the following in the error log: InnoDB: ###### Diagnostic info printed to the standard error stream 2017-11- 16T13:18:39.650036Z 0 [ERROR] [FATAL] InnoDB: Semaphore wait has lasted > 600 seconds. We intentionally crash the server because it appears to be hung. 2017-11-16 13:18:39 0x1bcc InnoDB: Assertion failure in thread 7116 in file line 916 InnoDB: We intentionally

HowTo zdb -e poolname to recover data from a single ZFS device

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2020-01-02 06:54:33
问题 I have the following situation: 1*10TB Drive, full of data on a ZFS I wanted to add a 100GB NVME partition as a cache instead of using zpool add poolname cache nvmepartion I wrote zpool add poolname nvmepartition I did not see my mistake and exported this pool. Neither the NVME drive is availeable any more, nor the system has any information about this pool in the ZFS cache (due to export). current status: zpool import shows the pool but I cannot import the pool using any way found on the

How to recover repository using SVN hotcopy?

纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-01-01 03:04:27
问题 Okay. I used svn's hotcopy to make incremental back-ups, now how do I test that the hotcopies will work properly? I searched the posts here regarding hotcopy. Most of them seem to just be encouraging the use of the svn hotcopy, but not talking about how to recover using hotcopy once made. Is there any advice about how to recover using the hotcopy that I've made? I also checked, but couldn't really find anything. Thanks. 回答1: svnadmin hotcopy will always create

How to recover repository using SVN hotcopy?

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-01-01 03:04:14
问题 Okay. I used svn's hotcopy to make incremental back-ups, now how do I test that the hotcopies will work properly? I searched the posts here regarding hotcopy. Most of them seem to just be encouraging the use of the svn hotcopy, but not talking about how to recover using hotcopy once made. Is there any advice about how to recover using the hotcopy that I've made? I also checked, but couldn't really find anything. Thanks. 回答1: svnadmin hotcopy will always create

Nexus 5 刷 nethunter

痴心易碎 提交于 2020-01-01 02:56:08
—————————————————————————————————— 系统如果不是 5.1.1 or 6.0.1 或者 CM 13.0 or CM 14.1,则需要重新刷固件。 以下是手动刷固件步骤: 将固件压缩包解压至platform-tools文件夹,然后cmd进入该路径分别执行以下命令 fastboot erase boot fastboot erase cache fastboot erase recovery fastboot erase system fastboot flash system system . img fastboot flash boot boot . img fastboot flash recovery recovery . img fastboot flash cache cache . img fastboot flash vendor vendor . img fastboot erase userdata fastboot flash userdata userdata . img 完成后重启,等待时间略长,进入开发者选项开启USB调试,然后再刷recovery, supersu, nethunter 等 PS: 如遇32g机,刷完nethunter只有16g的情况,需要先重复以上刷原厂的操作,完成后重新开机,按照以下路径操作