【原创】shell 操作之 read、cat 和 here document
本文主要学习总结一下三方面问题: 通过 read 进行行读 here document here document 的应用 【read】 在 linux 下执行 man read 能看到如下内容 read [-ers] [-a aname] [-d delim] [-i text] [-n nchars] [-N nchars] [-p prompt] [-t timeout] [-u fd] [name ...] One line is read from the standard input, or from the file descriptor fd supplied as an argument to the -u option, and the first word is assigned to the first name, the second word to the second name, and so on, with leftover words and their intervening separators assigned to the last name. If there are fewer words read from the input stream than names, the remaining names are assigned