
How to force Flatlist to re-render after getting a single data?

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-17 21:23:49
问题 I've faced an issue with flatlist when I get single data from the server and set these into state and passes into data props, I can't see any update in the render "I'm adding some Loading if I'd not received any data I show an let's say Indicator" so the indicator disappears and I see blank screen!! FYI, When I enable Hot Reloading and just press Save in my IDE I can see the single Data in my Screen! So how can I force it to appear the data! Code import React, { Component } from "react";

How to re-render flatlist?

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-17 15:34:10
问题 Unlike ListView we can update this.state.datasource. Is there any method or example to update FlatList or re-render it? My goal is to update the text value when user press button ... renderEntries({ item, index }) { return( <TouchableHighlight onPress={()=> this.setState({value:[index].value+1})> <Text>{[index].value}</Text> </TouchableHighlight> ) } <FlatList ref={(ref) => { this.list = ref; }} keyExtractor={(item) => item.entry.entryId} data={}

React Native FlatList inside ScrollView onEndReached never called

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-14 03:50:06
问题 My container is a scrollview and inside it is a flatlist, which load data from server. The flatlist: <VirtualizedList ListEmptyComponent={<NoData />} data={data} getItem={(items, index) => items.get(index)} getItemCount={(items) => items.size} keyExtractor={(item, index) => String(index)} renderItem={this._renderItem} refreshControl={ <RefreshControl refreshing={loading} onRefresh={this._onRefresh.bind(this)} /> } onEndReached={this.handleLoadMore} onEndReachedThreshold={0.1}

How to select item(s) out of a FlatList?

若如初见. 提交于 2019-12-13 12:15:49
问题 I want to select items using FlatList like when you select multiple photos on your photo galery (in this case, I am using a flatlist with 2 rows like a grid of 2x10). I want to select (for example) 3 items using onLongPress. Something like this, but with 2 rows. 回答1: What about this: Every item rendered would have an onLongPress , and an isPicked property. Initially, and in renderItem() , you would implement an if statement that either renders checked square or empty square every time an item

Does load large amount of images in flatList hurt performance and how to avoid it

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-13 04:45:38
问题 ( just to note I don't want to use pagination I want to load very large list ) I am using flatlist to render about 5000 items. Each item reference photo like this ( not same photo just example ): 256 × 256 PNG 30,759 bytes (30 kilobytes) Or larger. When I go over 1000 items I start to experience performance issues. First is this realistic concern does image that is referenced from url go in to phone memory? Is there better way to reduce memory pressure when load this amount of images? I

React-Native-Video , all videos are auto playing at a time in the background how to pause it, and set the starting time for video at particular time

你。 提交于 2019-12-13 04:17:45
问题 i am making a Android video gallery app like YouTube using React-Native for that i am using 'react-native-video' package While using it all videos are playing at a time in the background but i want to play the particular video only when the user viewing it, And i want to set the video starting time to 2 seconds . Please tell me if anyone know how to do it by using react-native-video package , And tell if there is any better option other thank this Once check my below code import React, {

State does not change until the second button press? Adding a call back throws an error “invariant violation: invalid argument passed”

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-13 03:55:01
问题 I'm trying to render a Flatlist that contains a store name. Upon clicking the store name, more information about the store should be displayed. I attempted to change state and then use {this.renderMoreDetails(item) && this.state.moreDetailsShown} to get the additional information to appear. However, it was clear via console.log that state was only changed after a second button press. From what I read in this article 1 and this article 2 it seemed as though I needed a callback function as an

Change the state of particular component individually in flatlist as in facebook like btns

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-13 02:26:56
问题 I've a lists of like icons in a flatlist. I want to change the color if the particular icon is clicked. But if I use likeStatus state to do it and click any icon, then the color of all the icons will change. How can I treat individual icon separately in flatlist using state? I've tried a lot but in vain. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { isLoading: true, likeStatus: null, }; } componentDidMount() { this._reload(); } _reload = () => {

Correct approach to adding to FlatList

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-12 19:12:25
问题 Searching around for the correct, or best way to add an item to a flatlist my first approach was to simple add an item to the state.. so I tried this: var NewObject = {}; NewObject.Name = "New Object"; this.setState({ Data: [...this.state.Data, ...[NewObject]] }); However, doing this causes everything in the list to be readded it seems, and i get all sorts of key errors. is this.state.Data.push(NewObject); the approach? that dosen't seem to allow a reload any help would be huge! 回答1: You can

Nested Flat List Invariant Violation: A VirtualizedList contains a cell which itself contains more than one VirtualizedList

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-12 09:56:27
问题 Error: Invariant Violation: A VirtualizedList contains a cell which itself contains more than one VirtualizedList of the same orientation as the parent list. You must pass a unique listKey prop to each sibling list. So I am trying to make A FlatList which will have Multiple Nested FlatLists Like this.. 1------FlaList Level 0 1.1-----FlatList Level 1 1.2-----FlatList Level 1 1.2.1------ FlatList Level 2 1.2.2------ FlatList Level 2 2------FlatList Level 0 2.1-----FlatList Level 1 2.2----