Searching around for the correct, or best way to add an item to a flatlist
my first approach was to simple add an item to the state.. so I tried this:
var NewObject = {};
NewObject.Name = "New Object";
Data: [...this.state.Data, ...[NewObject]]
However, doing this causes everything in the list to be readded it seems, and i get all sorts of key errors.
is this.state.Data.push(NewObject); the approach? that dosen't seem to allow a reload
any help would be huge!
You can use
this.setState({Data: [...this.state.Data, newObject]})
And there is an 'extraData' prop in flatlist. Use it to notify flatlist about any changes in its datasource.
this.state.Data.push(NewObject) mutates the state directly, never do that.
P.s You can also set parent component of FlatList as PureComponent for better performance.