
maven versions release candidates and snapshot

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-04 05:51:01
My goal is to release a project which have a single dependency. I have a nexus repository where i deploy both snapshot and release versions. The one dependency I have has group:artifact:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT and the following Release Candidate is released in my nexus repo group:artifact:1.1.0-RC1 when asking to the versions plugin to resolve the dependencies, it claims that no new dependency is available. So he consider that 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT > 1.1.0-RC1 However, If in my project, i have version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT, version 1.1.0-RC1 is resolved as the newest version. What am I missing? (I looked into the

update-rc.d and init.d dependencies

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-03 15:10:34
So I'm trying to write some init.d scripts satisfying LSB so they run appropriately at startup and shutdown. Unfortunately, I'm having issues with LSB/update-rc.d to satisfy dependencies. # Required-Start: $network $local_fs hadoop-namenode hadoop-datanode zookeeper-server # Required-Stop: $network $local_fs hadoop-namenode hadoop-datanode zookeeper-server # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 however, when I run update-rc.d defaults, it merely generates the defaults involved, with the exact same start time as the already dependencies, which breaks things horribly. Am I missing


二次信任 提交于 2019-12-03 06:39:15
现在开源软件遍布天下,常常在实践中纠结该使用软件的哪些版本是比较合适的,因此有必要对常见软件版本号的含义有一些基本的了解。 本文就对常见的一些软件版本号的含义做一些简要说明。 Alpha: Alpha是内部测试版,一般不向外部发布,通常会有很多Bug,除非你也是测试人员,否则不建议使用,alpha 就是α,是希腊字母的第一位,表示最初级的版本,beta 就是β,alpha 版就是比beta还早的测试版,一般都是内部测试的版本。 Beta: 该版本相对于α版已有了很大的改进,消除了严重的错误,但还是存在着一缺陷,需要经过多次测试来进一步消除。这个阶段的版本会一直加入新的功能。 RC: RC(Release Candidate),发行候选版本。和Beta版最大的差别在于Beta阶段会一直加入新的功能,但是到了RC版本,几乎就不会加入新的功能了,而主要着重于除错。RC版本是最终发放给用户的最接近正式版的版本,发行后改正bug就是正式版了,就是正式版之前的最后一个测试版。 GA: GA(general availability), 正式发布的版本。 比如:MySQL Community Server 5.7.21 GA这是MySQL Community Server 5.7 第21个发行稳定的版本,GA意味着General Availability,也就是官方开始推荐广泛使用了。

Upright mu in plot label: retaining original tick fonts

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-11-30 17:18:39
问题 I have a problem which I thought would be more occurring. However, after scouring the internet for some time now I have not been able to find the solution to my problem. So here it goes: For a plot, created using matplotlib.pyplot I want to incorporate the SI-unit micro meter into my xlabel. The unit micro meter however needs to be upright. After some fiddling around I achieved the desired xlabel. The code that I have to generate this is: import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Start up script for node.js repl

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-11-30 06:22:55
Is there a way configure node.js's repl? I want to require jquery and underscore automatically whenever the repl starts. Is there a file (noderc?) that node.js loads when it starts the repl? The equivalent in Python is to edit ~/.ipython/ipy_user_conf.py with: import_mod('sys os datetime re itertools functools') I don't know of any such configuration file, but if you want to have modules foo and bar be available in a REPL, you can create a file myrepl.js containing: var myrepl = require("repl").start(); ["foo", "bar"].forEach(function(modName){ myrepl.context[modName] = require(modName); });

What does “rc” mean in dot files

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-11-29 18:36:42
In my home folder in Linux I have several config files that have "rc" as a file name extension: $ ls -a ~/|pcregrep 'rc$' .bashrc .octaverc .perltidyrc .screenrc .vimrc What does the "rc" in these names mean? Ribtoks It looks like one of the following: run commands resource control run control runtime configuration Also I've found a citation : The ‘rc’ suffix goes back to Unix's grandparent, CTSS. It had a command-script feature called "runcom". Early Unixes used ‘rc’ for the name of the operating system's boot script, as a tribute to CTSS runcom. Prometheus Runtime Configuration normally if

UBUNTU: XOpenDisplay(NULL) fails when program run in boot sequence via rc.local

房东的猫 提交于 2019-11-29 15:54:16
I have written a program that runs with ROOT permission in Terminal following login but fails when XOpenDisplay(NULL) call is made following reboot. The program is started up via rc.local but doesn't appear to be able to see X11. I need ROOT because I make LibUSB calls and these fail if not ROOT. I can see the program is running with ROOT permission but inspection of environment variables shows DISPLAY not set. I have a delay loop running and checks are made after user login and user can see DISPLAY set in environment variables but program cannot. If program is terminated and run in Terminal

Start up script for node.js repl

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-11-29 06:07:37
问题 Is there a way configure node.js's repl? I want to require jquery and underscore automatically whenever the repl starts. Is there a file (noderc?) that node.js loads when it starts the repl? The equivalent in Python is to edit ~/.ipython/ipy_user_conf.py with: import_mod('sys os datetime re itertools functools') 回答1: I don't know of any such configuration file, but if you want to have modules foo and bar be available in a REPL, you can create a file myrepl.js containing: var myrepl = require(

What does “rc” mean in dot files

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-11-28 13:10:42
问题 In my home folder in Linux I have several config files that have "rc" as a file name extension: $ ls -a ~/|pcregrep 'rc$' .bashrc .octaverc .perltidyrc .screenrc .vimrc What does the "rc" in these names mean? 回答1: It looks like one of the following: run commands resource control run control runtime configuration Also I've found a citation: The ‘rc’ suffix goes back to Unix's grandparent, CTSS. It had a command-script feature called "runcom". Early Unixes used ‘rc’ for the name of the

UBUNTU: XOpenDisplay(NULL) fails when program run in boot sequence via rc.local

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-11-28 09:53:12
问题 I have written a program that runs with ROOT permission in Terminal following login but fails when XOpenDisplay(NULL) call is made following reboot. The program is started up via rc.local but doesn't appear to be able to see X11. I need ROOT because I make LibUSB calls and these fail if not ROOT. I can see the program is running with ROOT permission but inspection of environment variables shows DISPLAY not set. I have a delay loop running and checks are made after user login and user can see