
Python monitoring radiusd service. Loadbalancer tcp healthcheck

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-11 16:38:42
问题 I have a curious situation. I'm working on a pair of freeradius servers and had planned to stick a load balancer in front of them in GCP. Not entirely sure if this is the best approach, as I don't have much experience with Freeradius really.. but it's the avenue I went down. So I threw together some Terraform to build a couple of GCP instances and wrote a startup script to deploy the application and configuration files. All good so far. Then I got started on the load balancer, and I noticed

How to add/copy VSAs (Vendor-Specific attributes) to outer channel of EAP reply in FreeRADIUS C module

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-11 14:59:04
问题 I am adding VSAs programmatically to Access-Accept reply in my FreeRADIUS C module (More details here). For debugging/troubleshooting purpose, I need a way to visually inspect the VSAs on the receiving end. The issue is that my clients are using inner tunnel protocols (PEAP and TTLS) over EAP outer channel, and the traffic sniffer tools, such as WireShark, show only outer channel data. I understand there is a way to copy the attributes to the outer channel for this purpose but was unable to

Freeradius + Openldap ERROR: No authenticate method (Auth-Type) found for the request: Rejecting the user

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-11 02:27:32
问题 after a couple of days searching in google I have to resign and ask :/ We're using a debian server with openldap and radius installed. When I connect to the radius using radtest everything is fine, but when I use an accesspoint (and the connection goes through the tunnel) I get the folloing result. The inner-tunnel looks like this: authorize { update control { Proxy-To-Realm := LOCAL } eap { ok = return } files ldap { ok = return } expiration logintime pap } authenticate { Auth-Type PAP { pap

3D Voronoi diagram: “Radius inconsistent with generators”

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-08 09:23:49
问题 i want to calculate the "density" of a 3d point cloud obtained by stereo vision. I implemented the 3D Voronoi diagram like in https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.spatial.SphericalVoronoi.html Result is raise ValueError("Radius inconsistent with generators.") for many different magnitudes (i tried a lot) Example of my pointcloud is: [[ 0.63492548 0.10921954 0.12711886] [ 0.14530358 0.02687934 -0.0357723 ] [ 0.16594444 0.02741969 0.04187516] [ 0.69606036 0.06983382 -0


北战南征 提交于 2019-12-02 21:19:58
ToughRADIUS在windows下的安装配置 ToughRADIUS为windows提供了一个快速部署的模式,帮助使用者快速部署ToughRADIUS服务。 最新版本下载 从以下链接可以下载最新的ToughRADIUS版本: github.com mirror https://github.com/talkincode/ToughRADIUS/archive/master.zip coding.net mirror https://coding.net/u/jamiesun/p/ToughRADIUS/git/archive/master oschina.net mirror https://git.oschina.net/jamiesun/ToughRADIUS/repository/archive?ref=master 数据库安装配置 ToughRADIUS主要采用MySQL(5.0以上版本)存储数据,在部署ToughRADIUS之前请自行安装MySQL(安装步骤请参考MySQL相关文档),安装MySQL后确保MySQL为运行状态。 修改配置文件 config.json,请修改数据库地址用户名密码等选项与实际相符。 { "mysql": { "maxusage": 10, "passwd": "root", "charset": "utf8", "db":


我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-01 13:07:01
ToughRADIUS快速指南 准备 一台完整的服务器,或者远程VPS,给服务器安装Linux系统,CentOS6以上,ubuntu14以上,或者其他你自己熟悉的Linux发行版。 你要懂一点技术,比如安装操作系统,会在终端敲命令。 ToughRADIUS 是Docker技术的拥抱者,如果想更好的使用ToughRADIUS,你也需要去学习关于Docker的知识。 安装部署 ToughRADIUS主要采用了Docker镜像部署的模式,ToughRADIUS的镜像基础是ubuntu 14。 我们可以把Docker看作一个软件集装箱,半世纪之前,集装箱发挥了巨大的力量,改变了整个运输产业,也改变了人们的生活。而Docker就类似这样一个集装箱工具,只不过他封装的是软件。 还记得linux安装lamp的经历吗?现在可以对各种安装配置apache,php等繁琐的工作说再见了。 我们把ToughRADIUS相关的配置,运行依赖环境等全部打包在一个“Docker集装箱”里,我们只需要在我们的服务器上简单的安装一个支持运行“Docker集装箱”的环境,那么我们不用去折腾各种运行环境搭建就能简单的让ToughRADIUS跑起来。 通常我们把封装了软件应用的“Docker集装箱”叫做镜像,有点类似你可能了解的ISO文件。 使用 toughcli 专用安装配置工具 toughcli

Freeradius users operators

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-11-27 15:19:45
问题 I faced with one issue, which I can't understand in Freeradius users file. My goal is just authenticate external user "shad" with password "test". I added line in /etc/raddb/users the following line: shad Cleartext-Password == "test" Result was Reject. If I change "==" operator to ":=" Authentication is successful. So my question is the following: Why I can't use "==" operator while FreeRadius documentation tells: "Attribute == Value As a check item, it matches if the named attribute is