
What is the meaning of AmazonDB Free Tier?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2021-02-07 13:31:42
问题 In my Android app I use Amazon DynamoDB. I created 10 tables with Read capacity 10 and Write capacity 5. Today I received an email from Amazon. It costs me 11.36$. I don't understand the meaning of free tier. Here is what I read from Amazon: DynamoDB customers get 25 GB of free storage, as well as up to 25 write capacity units and 25 read capacity units of ongoing throughput capacity (enough throughput to handle up to 200 million requests per month) and 2.5 million read requests from DynamoDB

What is the meaning of AmazonDB Free Tier?

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2021-02-07 13:31:40
问题 In my Android app I use Amazon DynamoDB. I created 10 tables with Read capacity 10 and Write capacity 5. Today I received an email from Amazon. It costs me 11.36$. I don't understand the meaning of free tier. Here is what I read from Amazon: DynamoDB customers get 25 GB of free storage, as well as up to 25 write capacity units and 25 read capacity units of ongoing throughput capacity (enough throughput to handle up to 200 million requests per month) and 2.5 million read requests from DynamoDB

What is the meaning of AmazonDB Free Tier?

我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-02-07 13:30:19
问题 In my Android app I use Amazon DynamoDB. I created 10 tables with Read capacity 10 and Write capacity 5. Today I received an email from Amazon. It costs me 11.36$. I don't understand the meaning of free tier. Here is what I read from Amazon: DynamoDB customers get 25 GB of free storage, as well as up to 25 write capacity units and 25 read capacity units of ongoing throughput capacity (enough throughput to handle up to 200 million requests per month) and 2.5 million read requests from DynamoDB

Gmail-API request quota at a user level

为君一笑 提交于 2021-01-28 07:24:28
问题 Note: This question is about something that I do not understand in the documentation here: https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/v1/reference/quota#concurrent_requests Concurrent Requests The Gmail API enforces a per-user concurrent request limit (in addition to the per-user rate limit). This limit is shared by all Gmail API clients accessing a given user and ensures that no API client is overloading a Gmail user mailbox or their backend server. enforces a per-user concurrent request limit

Regex match given word outside of quotes

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2020-11-29 08:36:25
问题 I need to be able to match the word "internet" outside of quotations. e;g Internet "InternetFormula works and it's internetformula" Internet "The internet works" But I have no idea how to do so as Regular Expressions is complicated, and I can't find anything like it. 回答1: \bInternet\b(?=(?:[^"]*"[^"]*")*[^"]*$) You can try this.See demo. https://www.regex101.com/r/fG5pZ8/22 回答2: According to The Greatest Regex Trick Ever, you could use simply the following: "[^"]*"|\b(Internet)\b DEMO All

What's the difference between ' and #' in Lisp?

柔情痞子 提交于 2020-11-26 08:12:02
问题 It seems both (mapcar 'car '((foo bar) (foo1 bar1))) and (mapcar #'car '((foo bar) (foo1 bar1))) work as the same. And I also know ' means (quote symbol) and #' means (function function-name). But what's the underlying difference? Why these 2 both work in previous mapcar ? 回答1: 'foo evaluates to the symbol FOO. #'foo evaluates to the function bound to the name FOO. In Lisp a symbol can be called as a function when the symbol FOO has a function binding. Here CAR is a symbol that has a function

What's the difference between ' and #' in Lisp?

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2020-11-26 08:07:30
问题 It seems both (mapcar 'car '((foo bar) (foo1 bar1))) and (mapcar #'car '((foo bar) (foo1 bar1))) work as the same. And I also know ' means (quote symbol) and #' means (function function-name). But what's the underlying difference? Why these 2 both work in previous mapcar ? 回答1: 'foo evaluates to the symbol FOO. #'foo evaluates to the function bound to the name FOO. In Lisp a symbol can be called as a function when the symbol FOO has a function binding. Here CAR is a symbol that has a function

What's the difference between ' and #' in Lisp?

元气小坏坏 提交于 2020-11-26 08:06:47
问题 It seems both (mapcar 'car '((foo bar) (foo1 bar1))) and (mapcar #'car '((foo bar) (foo1 bar1))) work as the same. And I also know ' means (quote symbol) and #' means (function function-name). But what's the underlying difference? Why these 2 both work in previous mapcar ? 回答1: 'foo evaluates to the symbol FOO. #'foo evaluates to the function bound to the name FOO. In Lisp a symbol can be called as a function when the symbol FOO has a function binding. Here CAR is a symbol that has a function

Regular expression: match word not between quotes

百般思念 提交于 2020-07-15 08:49:28
问题 I would like a Python regular expression that matches a given word that's not between simple quotes. I've tried to use the (?! ...) but without success. In the following screenshot, I would like to match all foe except the one in the 4th line. Plus, the text is given as one big string. Here is the link regex101 and the sample text is below: var foe = 10; foe = ""; dark_vador = 'bad guy' foe = ' I\'m your father, foe ! ' bar = thingy + foe 回答1: A regex solution below will work in most cases,

Single quote escape in JavaScript function parameters

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-01-26 09:44:06
问题 I need to escape single quotes in JavaScript function parameters to avoid this: onclick="Javascript:INSERT_PRODUCT('188267','WILL AND GRACE','32311','L'ANNIVERSARIO DINOZZE ','20101113|04|18|','13/11/2010 0.00.00','CANALE 5 ',this);" But I need to escape them inside a function call since I do not know the values that will be passed (db variables I can't escape from the database). Is there a function that allows me to do something like the following? onclick="Javascript:function(escape(param1)