
Set-QADGroup, setting properties

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-13 18:31:41
问题 I can't get the following properties to work :/ mail mailNickname name cn dn The reason behind this is because we are going to be renaming every object in our AD (thousands of groups), and i need all properties to be changed. been reading Quest everywhere however they only take up displayName as an example and nothing more advanced. I've gotten the following to work though: get-QADGroup -SearchRoot 'ex.local/' -LdapFilter '(samaccountname=test_group*)' -GroupType 'Distribution'

PowerShell Set-QADGroup

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-11 14:51:44
问题 I've gotten the following to work: get-QADGroup -SearchRoot 'ex.local/' -LdapFilter '(samaccountname=test_group*)' -GroupType 'Distribution' -IncludedProperties "displayName", "mailNickname", "name", "mail" | foreach-object { Set-QADGroup $_ –displayName ("new_displayname") } I can't get the following properties to work :/ mail mailNickname name cn dn The reason behind this is because we are going to be renaming every object in our AD (thousands of groups), and i need all properties to be

Session factories to handle multiple DB connections

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-06 12:36:20
I have a task to create multiple session factories for different Data Sources. One data source will be used for read requests and another for read-write requests. Each API of our Database Service(a wrapper over DAO) is executed as a transaction. Single API may call multiple DAO functions having different Read/Write property. What is the best possible way to perform this task? I am assuming that the different datasources are different DBs . Else you could use the readOnly attribute with the @Transactional annotation to manage the read only transactions. You could inject two separate session