plot candlestick and 5-days average line on a same qtchart but give two x axis plot
I want to plot candlestick and 5-days average line on the same qchart, it should show one x axis, but gives two x axis. here is the code and the plot. import sys from PyQt5.QtChart import (QCandlestickSeries, QChart, QChartView) from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt from PyQt5 import QtChart as qc """ data to be load just like the following: num, open, high, low, close, ma5 1 7380 7520 7380 7510 7324 2 7520 7580 7410 7440 7372 3 7440 7650 7310 7520 7434 4 7450 7640 7450 7550 7480 5 7510 7590 7460 7490 7502 6 7500 7590 7480 7560 7512 7 7560 7830 7540