
Installing PyCLIPS based on CLIPS 6.30 for Windows Python 2.7 32 bit

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2020-01-23 17:19:48
问题 I learned that there is a version of PyCLIPS based on CLIPS version 6.30. The same (or similar) PyCLIPS version can also be installed via pip, see here. On Linux, both approaches work fine, i.e. installing via git clone +, or via pip. On Windows, it worked only with cygwin 64bit. pip install pyclips failed (I suppose due to the missing '-DWIN_MVC' flag, see step 7 below). However, I would like to have a PyCLIPS based on CLIPS 6.30 on a 'regular' Windows python, to be precise Python2

using pyclips and import clips as a python module

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-01 15:10:56
am using pyclips to generate the facts a nd rules of my system .. i have download every requirements for installing pyclips which include a clips directory that contatins the python files necessary for using clips inside the python code .. but when i write " import clips " or " import pyclips.clips" the error " " no module named clips " appear!! so please clould any one help me to make the import correct? just i wanna say that i put the folder pyclips insode the libraries folder in the python folder in c:/ You can't double click the file. First you change current dir to place which

using pyclips and import clips as a python module

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-01 12:45:23
问题 am using pyclips to generate the facts a nd rules of my system .. i have download every requirements for installing pyclips which include a clips directory that contatins the python files necessary for using clips inside the python code .. but when i write " import clips " or " import pyclips.clips" the error " " no module named clips " appear!! so please clould any one help me to make the import correct? just i wanna say that i put the folder pyclips insode the libraries folder in the python