Prolog: where to begin solving Minesweeper-like puzzle?
问题 I need to write something like a minesweeper in prolog. I am able to do that in "normal" language but when i try to start coding with prolog i totally don't know how to start. I need some sort of tips. Input specification: Board size: m × n ( m , n ∈ {1,...,16}), list of triples ( i , j , k ), where i ∈ {1,..., m }, j ∈ {1,..., n }, k ∈ {1,...,8}) describing fields with numbers. For example: 5 5 [(1,1,1), (2,3,3), (2,5,2), (3,2,2), (3,4,4), (4,1,1), (4,3,1), (5,5,2)]. Output: list of digits