boost::ptree find? or how to access deep arrays? C++
I have been trying for too much time now, to access a json_reader ptree from the boost library. I have a json file that is capsulated really often: (pseudo-json:) "Foo": { "nameofFoo:"foofoo" "Bar": [{ "BarFoo": { BarFooDeep: { BarFooDeepDeep: { "BarFooValue1": 123 "BarFooValue2" : 456 } } } "FooBar": [ { "FooBarDeep" :[ { FooBarDeepDeep:[ { FooBarValue1: "ineedthis" FooBarValue2: "andthis" } ] FooBarDeepDeep1:[ { FooBarValue1: "ineedthis" FooBarValue2: "andthis" } ] "FooBarDeep" :[ { FooBarDeepDeep2:[ { FooBarValue1: "ineedthis" FooBarValue2: "andthis" } ] FooBarDeepDeep3:[ { FooBarValue1: