
How to run pthreads on windows

余生长醉 提交于 2020-12-23 02:44:59
问题 I used to use a mac to write some c programs but its not working now.. I have to use an old windows laptop for a while.. I installed codeblocks and tested a simple program using pthreads. Unfortunately it didnt work.. pthread_create(&thrd1, NULL, thread_execute, (void *)t); It keeps saying undefined reference to ' imp _pthread_create' how can i fix it and will i face similar problems writing these sort of programs? Thanks 回答1: You've clearly got a version of pthreads for Windows. You just

How to run pthreads on windows

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-12-23 02:42:19
问题 I used to use a mac to write some c programs but its not working now.. I have to use an old windows laptop for a while.. I installed codeblocks and tested a simple program using pthreads. Unfortunately it didnt work.. pthread_create(&thrd1, NULL, thread_execute, (void *)t); It keeps saying undefined reference to ' imp _pthread_create' how can i fix it and will i face similar problems writing these sort of programs? Thanks 回答1: You've clearly got a version of pthreads for Windows. You just


点点圈 提交于 2020-11-26 04:12:02
POSIX线程(POSIX threads),简称Pthreads,是线程的POSIX标准。该标准定义了创建和操纵线程的一整套API。在类Unix操作系统(Unix、Linux、Mac OS X等)中,都使用Pthreads作为操作系统的线程。Windows操作系统也有其移植版pthreads-win32。 转载连接: 下载源码 源码主页: ftp地址: 下载最新版本pthreads-w32-2-9-1-release.zip解压得到三个文件夹 Pre-built.2 Pre-build.2 里面包含了pthreads for win32 的头文件和库文件; pthreads.2 pthreads.2 里面包含了pthreads 的源代码; QueueUserAPCEx QueueUserAPCEx 里面是一个alert的driver,编译需要DDK 。Windows Device Driver Kit (NTDDK.h) 需要额外单独安装。 直接使用or编译源码 1.直接使用 Pre-built

Portability of pthreads-win32 over various windows compilers

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2020-01-12 04:58:18
问题 I'm using pthreads-win32 to allow threading support for windows. I have a cross platform project that uses pthreads and I want to make it work on windows with various compilers and different OS versions. At least, according to the documentation pthreads-win32 should work with MSVC and even MSVC builds provided. But I don't know if the library is tested with latest MSVC compilers like MSVC-2008 and if it is supported under 64bit windows. From Your own experience are you aware of any issues

Portability of pthreads-win32 over various windows compilers

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-01-12 04:58:04
问题 I'm using pthreads-win32 to allow threading support for windows. I have a cross platform project that uses pthreads and I want to make it work on windows with various compilers and different OS versions. At least, according to the documentation pthreads-win32 should work with MSVC and even MSVC builds provided. But I don't know if the library is tested with latest MSVC compilers like MSVC-2008 and if it is supported under 64bit windows. From Your own experience are you aware of any issues

I can't use pthread in window platform

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2020-01-01 07:06:13
问题 My env is Windows8.1 (64bit) and using Visual Studio 2010. I did put all *.dll files in system32 , SYSWOW64(because I use win8 64bit.) and link location where *.lib file for x64-system with VC 2010. of course, I add additional folder lib forders.. , include folders.. etc.. but when I try compile "pthread-used" project, fatal error has occur. -source #include<pthread.h> #include<stdio.h> int doit_id,trd_id; pthread_t trd; void *doit(void *data){ doit_id = (int)data; return 0; } int main(){ trd

sem_timedwait() pthreads-win32 errno usage

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-24 09:24:23
问题 I am using pthreads-win32 for threads on a Win32 Application. I am calculating the timespec using the first function posted here. The call to sem_timedwait() appears to be waiting for the specified ts time, however every time it completes I get the following message: Error waiting on semaphore: No error I have checked the file of sem_timedwait.c here, and they specify the same errno values and return values. Consequently, I do not know why it is exiting with this errno, and would like to know

Problems with pthreads in PHP

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-23 01:21:26
问题 I have a problem with pthreads in PHP. When I start apache I see error like this: php.exe - Entry point not found The procedure entry point was not found _zend_hash_update@@12 in library D:\xampp\php\ext\php_pthreads.dll When I execute script in CMD I have a warning: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'php_pthreads.dll' (tried: D:\xampp\php\ext\php_pthreads.dll I copied pthreadVC2.dll to: C:/windows/system32 D:/xampp/php D:/xampp/apache/bin And I copied last file php

Why main thread is slower than worker thread in pthread-win32?

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-12 20:58:49
问题 void* worker(void*) { int clk = clock(); float val = 0; for(int i = 0; i != 100000000; ++i) { val += sin(i); } printf("val: %f\n", val); printf("worker: %d ms\n", clock() - clk); return 0; } int main() { pthread_t tid; pthread_create(&tid, NULL, worker, NULL); int clk = clock(); float val = 0; for(int i = 0; i != 100000000; ++i) { val += sin(i); } printf("val: %f\n", val); printf("main: %d ms\n", clock() - clk); pthread_join(tid, 0); return 0; } Main thread and the worker thread are supposed

Memory leakage in windows pthread. `pthread_join` does not deallocate memory

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-12-12 03:29:20
问题 The simple test: void testMemoryLeak_PthreadCreateJoin(void) { auto taskFunction = [](void*args) -> void* { return nullptr; }; pthread_t pth; int err = pthread_create(&pth, /*attr*/nullptr, taskFunction, /*args*/nullptr); pthread_join(pth, nullptr); } void main(void) { _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF); testMemoryLeak_PthreadCreateJoin(); testMemoryLeak_PthreadCreateJoin(); testMemoryLeak_PthreadCreateJoin(); testMemoryLeak_PthreadCreateJoin(); } Here said: A thread