
When performing nearest neighbour matching in R, is it possible to view the identity of which cases matched with which controls?

那年仲夏 提交于 2021-01-29 05:06:43
问题 I'm first trying this out in R Studio with a small practice dataset found here (584 obs, 5 variables) ( Using this code I can use nearest neighbor matching to find the mean difference in matched cases and controls (1:1) where stw is my grouping variable and tot, min, and dis are the matching variables: m.out = matchit(stw ~ tot + min + dis, data = mydata, method = "nearest", ratio = 1) what I want to know is how can

“Perfect separation” error when using Matcher from pymatch (Propensity score matching)

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2020-03-03 07:02:07
问题 I am trying to use the pymatch package but I keep getting the error Error: Perfect separation detected, results not available . I checked multiple times, my dataset is not equal. It contains 260k rows for Control and 50k for treatment and has different averages. I only have 5 variables, all integers or Floats rounded to 2 decimals. My goal is to match some treated customers to non-treated customers for further analysis based on propensity score matching. I already removed outliers as