
Swallowing errors in pre-build steps in Visual Studio 2010

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-11-28 07:16:44
My solution has a bunch of projects one of which is a windows service; I have a prebuild step to stop the service and a postbuild step to restart it (this way the windows service exe is not locked when VS is building/overwriting it). on pre-build: net stop myservice on post-build: net start myservice If the service is not running while I'm starting the build, the net stop command fails and that prevents the build from proceeding. What can I do to still force the build even if the pre-build step failed? I figured it out - you simply need to add the following statement at the end: SET ERRORLEVEL

MS-Build BeforeBuild not firing

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-11-27 23:30:21
问题 I'm customising a .csproj project to run some custom tasks before the main build. However, I can't get the tasks to execute at all. I uncommented the <Target Name="BeforeBuild" /> element in the .csproj file and added a simple Message task, but when I build, the message doesn't appear in my output, so it seems the task isn't running. So this fragment does not output the message; Listing 1: No Message Appears <Target Name="BeforeBuild"> <Message Text="About to build ORM layer" Importance=

How to run copy task with android studio into assets folder

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-11-27 08:16:34
So far I have added the following to the end of my "build.gradle" task copyFiles(type: Copy) copyFiles { description = 'Copies html5 files from the common library...' from '../../www' into 'assets/www' include('**/*') } Now I just need some help on how o make this task get executed everytime (before) compiling the android source. I can run the copy task manually from command line, but Id like to have it run when I click "run" in android studio. With the help of suggestion below, I have added clean.dependsOn copyFiles clean.mustRunAfter copyFiles And with this addition I can get my copy task to

Pre-build MSBuild task to update AssemblyInfo not in sync with built exe

我们两清 提交于 2019-11-27 04:20:54
问题 I am using a pre-build task in Visual Studio 2008 that invokes msbuild: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe $(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\version.targets /p:Configuration=$(ConfigurationName) Inside version.targets, I am updating the AssemblyInfo.cs file to replace version information: <FileUpdate Encoding="ASCII" Files="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" Regex="AssemblyInformationalVersion\(".*"\)\]" ReplacementText="AssemblyInformationalVersion("Product $