
SVN Pre Commit Hooks

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-05 21:05:52
I am currently trying to extend our already existing (and working) pre commit batch file for committing to SVN. The first part blocks any commit that does not have comments and works as expected. The second part is an attmept to block users committing SUO files, however this is currently blocking all commits. My understanding of DOs scripting isn't great so I suspect it may be my usage of the FindStr? Can anyone help? "C:\Program Files\VisualSVN Server\bin\svnlook.exe" log -t %2 %1 | FindStr [a-zA-Z0-9] IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 GOTO OK echo "Commit Comments are Required" >&2 exit 1 :OK "C:


笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-05 20:21:42
随着大型网站的各种高并发访问、海量数据处理等场景越来越多,如何实现网站的高可用、易伸缩、可扩展、安全等目标就显得越来越重要。为了解决这样一系列问题,大型网站的架构也在不断发展。提高大型网站的高可用架构,不得不提的就是分布式。在 分布式一致性 一文中主要介绍了分布式系统中存在的一致性问题。本文将简单介绍如何有效的解决分布式的一致性问题,其中包括什么是 分布式事务 , 二阶段提交 和 三阶段提交 。 分布式一致性回顾 在分布式系统中,为了保证数据的高可用,通常,我们会将数据保留多个副本(replica),这些副本会放置在不同的物理的机器上。为了对用户提供正确的增\删\改\差等语义,我们需要保证这些放置在不同物理机器上的副本是一致的。 为了解决这种分布式一致性问题,前人在性能和数据一致性的反反复复权衡过程中总结了许多典型的协议和算法。其中比较著名的有 二阶提交协议 (Two Phase Commitment Protocol)、 三阶提交协议 (Three Phase Commitment Protocol)和 Paxos算法 。 分布式事务 分布式事务是指会涉及到操作多个数据库的事务。其实就是将对同一库事务的概念扩大到了对多个库的事务。目的是为了保证分布式系统中的数据一致性。分布式事务处理的关键是必须有一种方法可以知道事务在任何地方所做的所有动作,提交或回滚事务的决定必须产生统一的结果

mysqldump schema only, schema update without drop

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-05 17:17:10
I'm looking at using the git pre-commit hook to export a MySQL db schema prior to commiting changes so that other developers can update their own databases with a SQL script from the git repo. By default a mysqldump (I'm using --no-data) will drop existing tables before rebuilding them which isn't what I'm after. I'm wondering if anyone knows of a way to do a mysqldump or similar to describe the db schemas with SQL to update tables if they exists instead of a drop and rebuild. I realize this might be a long shot but if anyone could point me in the right direction it would be great. How would

Checking for specific string in commit message - SVN Precommit Hook

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-05 07:50:21
问题 I am expecting the following format in the svn commit message. Description: (some description of the change) Entity: (change request number) If the comment while committing doesn't follow the above format an error message should be thrown. The idea is to check for the key strings "Description" and "Entity" in the commit message. I am also checking the presence of a comment in the message. I am using the following code but I am not able to get that check for the string "Description" working.

Modify file before commit with pre-commit hook

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-05 05:43:37
I am trying to write a pre-commit hook that modify a line in my code but I do not know even from where to start. The problem is: I have a KEY public static final String APP_KEY = ""; //DELETE THE KEY BEFORE COMMIT!!! In order to avoid publishing the KEY to the repository I've think maybe git hooks are the thing we need instead of delete the key manually. I've take a look at Customizing git hooks but I do not know how to write the hook. Is there a way to before commit the changes, delete the KEy and after the commit write the key again? VonC That would be done with a content filter driver : a

基于python开发pre-commit hook达到对git提交时间的控制

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-05 05:36:27
  近期公司开发使用的版本控制工具由svn转向git,由于开发需求,经常会更改本地的时间,从而暴漏出一个原先使用svn不会出现的问题:commit的时间经常会不对。主要是因为git提交到远程服务器需要两部曲commit-push,而commit时使用的是本地的系统时间,这样就导致在修改本地时间之后,commit的时间就与正常时间对不上。现在希望开发一个脚本实现在提交的时候检查本地的时间是否正常,如果异常就阻止此次提交,以此来控制提交时间。   在定位好问题之后,确定使用git中pre-commit这个hook达到本地提交的时候检查本地时间的目的。由于hook支持python,我对python又比较熟,所以决定使用python实现。   确定好以上问题之后,需要解决的问题是如何获取到远程服务器的时间。由于公司统一在内网开发,所以开发机是无法连接到外网的,所以是无法直接获取到外网的时间,于是考虑在内网搭建一台ntp服务器。搭建服务器的教程参考:。搭建完ntp服务器后,编写了第一版程序: #!/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8 import time import ntplib import sys import math max

Automating SVN pre-commit to Review Board and then Commit to SVN after approval [closed]

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-04 17:10:39
My objective is to use SVN pre-commit hook to post a review request directly to reviewboard instead of committing it to repository. As second step I want that on approval of a diff it should automatically go to repository. is that possible to do ? If yes then some pointers will be appreciated. There are lots of places where configuring post-commit is explained but I could not find anything on Google. EDIT: Trying to elaborate the problem So recently we have done setup for review board. We did its integration with SVN using review boards post-review hook. As soon as user commits with "publish

SVN钩子 之 pre-commit

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-04 05:17:14
我用的是Windows版本的SVN:VisualSVN Server Manager服务端 + TortoiseSVN客户端。 pre-commit钩子可以防止版本提交时不写log信息的懒惰行为,pre-commit钩子文件放在版本库\hooks目录下,在Windows系统中,文件名可以是pre-commit.bat或者pre-commit.exe。批处理方式网上有很多实现的例子,但我找不到有人用exe形式的,于是花了点时间进行编码(其中设计了管道和重定向的知识,可以参考我的另一偏文章“管道(pipe)”)。源码可以在开头链接下载到。 另外,如果是批处理方式,VisualSVN Server Manager提供了一个便捷的菜单可以直接编辑,打开VisualSVN Server Manager,右击版本库,选择“所有任务” > "Manage hooks...",在弹出的对话框中选择Hooks选项卡,双击pre-commit hook,即可进行编辑,如下图所示: 另外补充一点, TortoiseSVN客户端本身还有另外一种方法来设置提交时日志的长度限制,就是文件夹属性tsvn:logminsize。 --------------------- 作者:许振坪 来源:CSDN 原文:

Checking for specific string in commit message - SVN Precommit Hook

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-03 23:08:52
I am expecting the following format in the svn commit message. Description: (some description of the change) Entity: (change request number) If the comment while committing doesn't follow the above format an error message should be thrown. The idea is to check for the key strings "Description" and "Entity" in the commit message. I am also checking the presence of a comment in the message. I am using the following code but I am not able to get that check for the string "Description" working. (The check for null comment is working fine though.) Could you please tell what I might be doing wrong?

Set up svnperms pre-commit hook

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-01 15:10:41
I'm trying to implement svnperms into a repository, but am having difficulty with a few things: pre-commit has the execute permissions: -rwxrwxr-x 1 svnadm svn 3018 May 27 10:11 pre-commit This is my call to svnperms within pre-commit: # Check that the author of this commit has the rights to perform # the commit on the files and directories being modified. SVNPERMS=/usr/local/svn/scripts/ $SVNPERMS -r $REPOS -t $TXN || exit 1 I've got installed in the location specified: # ls -l /usr/local/svn/scripts total 24 -rwxrwxr-x 1 svnadm svn 11840 May 25 07:48