
WCF REST tutorials for POX [closed]

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-04 16:11:30
Can anyone tell me where to find good WCF REST tutorials? using (POX) This one is ok but i want to use something a little simpler I can't seem to find anything decent that uses webget/webinvoke attributes etc... I don't want to use the REST Starter kit This tutorial is REALLY simple. There is a screencast plus sourcecode. Great just to get you started with WCF REST. http://www.michaelckennedy.net/blog/2009/03/24/RESTfulWebServicesWithWCFScreencast.aspx I have been watching WCF tutorials on pluralsight and have found them to be very helpful. marc_s The show endpoint.tv on Channel9 had a