
How to create Generics Pooling System for components/scripts?

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2021-01-27 03:52:36
问题 My awareness of Generics is that they can help me streamline my pooling, but can't figure out how. My pooling system is minimalistic, but messy. And now getting unwieldy and messy, and MESSY. It doesn't scale nicely... My FXDistribrutor.cs class is a component attached to an object in the initial scene, designed to permanently exist throughout all scenes of the game. It has a static reference to itself, so that I can call into it from anywhere easily. More on that contrivance at the end. I'm

Compare size of current object pulled from pool, with last object pulled from pool

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-06-17 02:53:12
问题 This is a follow-up for a different question I posted earlier. The solution found there led to a new problem I will describe here. Having objects spawn, with random size within set range, with equal distance between them regardless of framerate I am trying to create the effect of several buildings in different sizes moving from left to right at a constant speed regardless of framerate. I want the spacing between the buildings to be the same no matter the size, and each building's size is

R -plm - error within and random effects models (pooling, between & first differences work)

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2020-04-18 12:35:28
问题 I have problem with Within and random effect method (it doesn't work). And I have no problem with pooling, between or first diffeences estimator -> it works. I have the same problem like R - Error in class(x) - plm - only within and random effects models. Here is the link to my data: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8tgeyhxeb0wrdri/my_data.xlsx?raw=1 (there are some financial measures and GDP growth for some countries) My code: proba<-read_excel("my_data.xlsx") attach(proba) Y<-cbind(GDP_growth) X<

Theano max_pool_3d

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2020-01-17 05:04:08
问题 How do I extend theanos downsample.max_pool_2d_same_size in order to pool not only within a feature map, but also between those - in a efficient manner? Lets say i got 3 feature maps, each of size 10x10, that would be a 4D Tensor (1,3,10,10). First lets max pool ((2,2), no overlapping) each of the (10,10) feature map. The results are 3 sparse feature maps, still (10,10) but most values equal to zero: within a (2,2) window is at most one value greater than zero. This is what downsample.max

Npgsql Connection Pool Stopping At MinPoolSize Connections

北城余情 提交于 2020-01-03 06:33:49
问题 First time working with Npgsql, although I've done other PostgreSQL programming. Npgsql 3.1.6, PostgreSQL 9.5. Visual Studio 2015 with .Net 4.5.1. I have a connection string that looks like this (same string is used every time, unmodified, for every DB connection attempt): Server=dbserver;SearchPath=network;Database=netinfo;User ID=netuser;Password=netpassword;Port=19491;CommandTimeout=300;Pooling=true;MaxPoolSize=75 This is a C# multi-threaded data collector for our network. Up to 32 threads

Mean or max pooling with masking support in Keras

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-29 04:54:29
问题 ... print('Build model...') model = Sequential() model.add(Embedding(max_features, 128)) model.add(LSTM(size, return_sequences=True, dropout_W=0.2 dropout_U=0.2)) model.add(GlobalAveragePooling1D()) model.add(Dense(1)) model.add(Activation('sigmoid')) .... I need to be able to take the mean or max of the vectors for all time steps in a sample after LSTM layer before giving this mean or max vector to the dense layer in Keras. I think timedistributedmerge was able to do this but it was

db connection pool across processes

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-20 03:01:31
问题 We have a client/server application that consists of multiple EXEs. The data access layer is on the same physical tier as the client in a library shared by our EXE modules. ODBC and OleDB connection pools are managed per-process; are there techniques for sharing DB connections across processes (other than moving the data access layer to a middle tier)? 回答1: Database connections in OLEDB and ODBC are intrinsically process bound. At the lowest levels, a sql server database connection is using

Is DBCP (Apache Commons Database Connection Pooling) still relevant?

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-17 18:27:15
问题 The JDBC 3.0 spec talks about Connection (and Prepared Statement) pooling. We have several standalone Java programs (i.e. we are not using an application server) that have been using DBCP to provide connection pooling. Should we continue to use DBCP, or can we take advantage of the JDBC-provided pooling and get rid of DBCP? We are using MySQL (Connector/J) and will eventually be adding SQL Server support (jTDS); it's unlikely that we'll support any other databases. EDIT: See comment below

tomcat 7.0.42 pooling, hibernate 4.2, mysql rock solid autoreconnect solution

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-17 17:52:48
问题 i've read a lot of posts regarding problems with auto reconnecting to mysql from hibernate session. Others mention an increase of mysql wait_timeout (not my favorite), using autoReconnect=true (not recommended), testing connection e.t.c. I am currently trying a few options but i would like to ask if anyone has a rock solid solution using tomcat's connection pooling (not hibernate's c3po). I am looking at the most bullet proof jndi settings even if they are not the best performance tuned.

String Literal address across translation units [duplicate]

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-17 02:31:55
问题 This question already has answers here : Addresses of two char pointers to different string literals are same (10 answers) Closed 2 years ago . I'd like to ask if is it portable to rely on string literal address across translation units? I.e: A given file foo.c has a reference to a string literal "I'm a literal!" , is it correct and portable to rely that in other given file, bar.c in instance, that the same string literal "I'm a literal!" will have the same memory address ? Considering that