
Cards representation in Prolog

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-05 12:57:02
I'm trying to learn Prolog. This are my first steps with this language. As exercise I want to write program which can recognize some poker hands (Straight flush, Four of a kind, Full house etc.). I'm looking for good card representation in Prolog. I need to have possibility to check if one card is bigger than other, if cards are suited and so one. I have started with code: rank(2). rank(3). rank(4). rank(5). rank(6). rank(7). rank(8). rank(9). rank(t). rank(j). rank(q). rank(k). rank(a). value(2, 2). value(3, 3). value(4, 4). value(5, 5). value(6, 6). value(7, 7). value(8, 8). value(9, 9).

Shuffling a deck in Java

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-04 13:30:02
I have another exercise I have to do that I really need help with. I don't even know if my isFlush method is working because for seem reason my deck isnt shuffling and dealing a hand and I'm completely stuck. Can someone help me or point me in the right direction or something? Here is the exercise: Exercise 12.5 The goal of this exercise is to write a program that generates random poker hands and classifies them, so that we can estimate the probability of the various poker hands. Don’t worry if you don’t play poker; I’ll tell you everything you need to know. a. As a warmup, write a program

Finding all combinations of longs with certain bits set

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-04 13:07:02
This is such an obscure problem that I suspect I'll have to do it at a different level in my code...but hopefully the hive mind that is Stack Overflow can help... I have a long, which if expressed as a binary string will have exactly five bits set. For example, long l = 341; // as a bit string, "101010101" I'm seeking an array containing all ten possible longs which exactly three of those bits set. To continue the example, long[] results = { 101010000, 101000100, 101000001, 100010100, 100010001, 100000101, 1010100, 1010001, 1000101, 10101 } Here's what the appropriate method signature might

7 Card Poker Hand Evaluator

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-04 07:30:43
问题 Does anyone know a fast algorithm for evaluating 7 card poker hands? Something which is more efficient than simply brute-force checking a every 21 5-card combination of hands from a set of 7. Cheers, Pete 回答1: This site lists a bunch of Poker Hand Evaluator libraries and gives a few details about each of them. Most of them are for 5 card hands, but there is at least one for a 7 card hand called The Snezee7 Evaluator. Plus the site give a great overview of the different techniques and

Generating all 5 card poker hands

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-03 18:24:19
问题 This problem sounds simple at first glance, but turns out to be a lot more complicated than it seems. It's got me stumped for the moment. There are 52c5 = 2,598,960 ways to choose 5 cards from a 52 card deck. However, since suits are interchangeable in poker, many of these are equivalent - the hand 2H 2C 3H 3S 4D is equivalent to 2D 2S 3D 3C 4H - simply swap the suits around. According to wikipedia, there are 134,459 distinct 5 card hands once you account for possible suit recolorings. The

How to operate the poker game by Java?

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-01 13:20:17
I’ve learned Java for 1 month. This time, I’d like to create a poker game. There are two questions about my program. I hope somebody can help me to fix it. Each card has it value, for A as 1, king as 10, but I find out that this is a String array. How could I give each “String value “as “int value” so that I can do the operation? String[] suits = { "hearts", "spades", "diamonds", "clubs" }; String[] number = {"A","2","3"......}; I hope this system can use random number to chose cards at first, and second time when it run, it can void previous number (There have 52 card). Does there has

c# check for a poker straight

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-01 04:03:20
I am trying to write a poker hand evaluation method in c#. I have managed to do this for every poker hand using linq except a straight. For those that don't play a straight is made up of 5 cards with increments of 1 for each card. Ace can be high or low. I have created an object called card which has a suit, rank and value (J = 11, Q =12 etc..). My method will be passed a list of this object containing 7 cards (hole cards and the board.) Another thing to bear in mind is that a straight can only be made if the player has a 5 or 10. See below my methods for other poker hands and please let me

Algorithm to give a value to a 5 card Poker hand

好久不见. 提交于 2019-11-30 22:30:13
I am developing a poker game as college project and our current assignment is to write an algorithm to score a hand of 5 cards, so that the scores of two hands can be compared to each other to determine which is the better hand. The score of a hand has nothing to do with the probability of what hands could be made upon the draw being dealt with random cards, etc. - The score of a hand is based solely on the 5 cards in the hand, and no other cards in the deck. The example solution we were given was to give a default score for each type of Poker hand, with the score reflecting how good the hand

Regex to calculate straight poker hand?

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-11-30 14:40:01
Is there a regex to calculate straight poker hand? I'm using strings to represent the sorted cards, like: AAAAK#sssss = 4 aces and a king, all of spades. A2345#ddddd = straight flush, all of diamonds. In Java, I'm using these regexes: regexPair = Pattern.compile(".*(\\w)\\1.*#.*"); regexTwoPair = Pattern.compile(".*(\\w)\\1.*(\\w)\\2.*#.*"); regexThree = Pattern.compile(".*(\\w)\\1\\1.*#.*"); regexFour = Pattern.compile(".*(\\w)\\1{3}.*#.*"); regexFullHouse = Pattern.compile("((\\w)\\2\\2(\\w)\\3|(\\w)\\4(\\w)\\5\\5)#.*"); regexFlush = Pattern.compile(".*#(\\w)\\1{4}"); How to calculate

On Two Plus Two poker hand evaluator, how do you get the best 5 cards combination out of the 7 that you passed to it?

北战南征 提交于 2019-11-30 09:38:02
Is it possible to extract that info from the equivalence value? I understand that the higher the equivalence value the better. Category and rank can also be extracted from the equivalence value. But is there a way to find out what the best 5 cards combination are from the 7 that you passed to it? Twoplustwo is the fastest poker hand evaluator around (14-15 million hands evaluated per second). You give your 7 cards to it and it spits out a hand equivalence value. The higher the value, the better is card is. Here's a great summary on twoplustwo: