问题 So lets say I have 10,000 points in A and 10,000 points in B and want to find out the closest point in A for every B point. Currently, I simply loop through every point in B and A to find which one is closest in distance. ie. B = [(.5, 1, 1), (1, .1, 1), (1, 1, .2)] A = [(1, 1, .3), (1, 0, 1), (.4, 1, 1)] C = {} for bp in B: closestDist = -1 for ap in A: dist = sum(((bp[0]-ap[0])**2, (bp[1]-ap[1])**2, (bp[2]-ap[2])**2)) if(closestDist > dist or closestDist == -1): C[bp] = ap closestDist =