
how to add a new files to existing makefile project

瘦欲@ 提交于 2020-01-07 02:55:27
问题 I am trying to add some functionality to existing makefile project. I wrote some .c and .h files. After some googling time I found that should be modified and run autoreconf will do what I need. Can some one please explain how to do this exactly? Thank you. FYI I am trying to compile 回答1: You need to modify the found under the directory where you've kept you .c and .h files. Take a look at this file if you've .c file under telepathy

How do I add item to Pidgin menu

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-25 02:56:05
问题 I want to add arbitrary item to Pidgin menu. Let it be Buddies → Show → Groups . I want it to be checkbutton (like Buddies → Show → Empty Groups ) with custom function associated. How can I do this? In Pidgin 2.10.9 In Pidgin 3.0.0 (development branch) 回答1: The following example is for Pidgin version 2.10.9. I believe there are not many changes in 3.0.0 (current development branch) so it will be applicable there too with minimal modifications. First of all, download Pidgin sources. In Ubuntu

How do I add custom preference into Pidgin?

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-11 20:26:02
问题 I need to add preference into Pidgin to serve my custom menu item as shown in How do I add item to Pidgin menu. How can I achieve this? 回答1: You need to find function pidgin_blist_init in pidgin/gtkblist.c and add the following line: purple_prefs_add_bool(PIDGIN_PREFS_ROOT "/blist/show_groups", FALSE); after purple_prefs_add_bool(PIDGIN_PREFS_ROOT "/blist/show_empty_groups", FALSE); There are also functions to add int , string , none , string_list , path and path_list types. Now, we need to


我们两清 提交于 2019-12-09 18:17:34
步骤一: 打开Ubuntu软件中心,输入“ Pidgin ”查找,然后安装 。 步骤二: ctrl+alt+T 打开终端,输入 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lainme/pidgin-lwqq 步骤三:输入 sudo apt-get update 步骤四:输入 sudo apt-get install libpurple0 pidgin-lwqq 步骤五:输入 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pidgin-developers/ppa 步骤六: 输入 sudo apt-get update 步骤七:输入 sudo apt-get install pidgin 注销Ubuntu后,再打开pidgin,账号管理中,添加WebQQ用户信息,就可以聊天了。 来源: oschina 链接:

Ubuntu 12.10下用Empathy(pidgin-lwqq)登录QQ

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-09 18:13:01
1、问题背景 因为我用Linux系统(Ubuntu),所以登录QQ一直我的难题。WebQQ确实不错,但我还是想要pidgin与 empathy那样的风格。把多个im整合在一起。 新的Ubuntu 12.10启用的Online Accounts概念导致pidgin的插件用起来还要多一步配置。 2、解决 pidgin-lwqq是基于lwqq开发的pidgin插件。lwqq又是基于webqq协议开发,本人比较赞同作者的思路。 对pidgin下支持: 支持发送接受文本消息 支持发送接受图片 支持群聊天 支持发送接受表情(在设置中使用webqq表情主题) 支持头像 支持设置好友备注 支持更改好友分组 支持确认添加好友请求 支持群的临时会话 支持访问QQ空间 支持更改在线状态 支持多账户登录 支持发送接受离线文件 支持文本样式 支持群消息屏蔽 支持接受文件传输 对empathy下支持 (telepathy-haze,受到这个框架的限制) 支持发送接受文本消息 支持头像 a、安装 pidgin-lwqq(ppa) sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lainme/pidgin-lwqq sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install pidgin-lwqq b、配置gnome在线账户 创建/usr/share/accounts

Ubuntu 12.10下用Pidgin(pidgin-lwqq)登录QQ

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-09 11:11:26
1、问题背景 因为我用Linux系统(Ubuntu),所以登录QQ一直我的难题。WebQQ确实不错,但我还是想要pidgin与 empathy那样的风格。把多个im整合在一起。 上次我介绍了(这次来说说pidgin,因为单从功能的角度考虑pidgin还是一个不错的选择。 2、解决步骤 pidgin-lwqq是基于lwqq开发的pidgin插件。lwqq又是基于webqq协议开发,本人比较赞同作者的思路。 对pidgin下支持: 支持发送接受文本消息 支持发送接受图片 支持群聊天 支持发送接受表情(在设置中使用webqq表情主题) 支持头像 支持设置好友备注 支持更改好友分组 支持确认添加好友请求 支持群的临时会话 支持访问QQ空间 支持更改在线状态 支持多账户登录 支持发送接受离线文件 支持文本样式 支持群消息屏蔽 支持接受文件传输 对empathy下支持 (telepathy-haze,受到这个框架的限制) 支持发送接受文本消息 支持头像 a、安装 pidgin-lwqq(ppa) sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lainme/pidgin-lwqq sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install pidgin-lwqq b

DBus Finch/Pidgin without X11

随声附和 提交于 2019-11-30 10:30:36
I want to do some Python scripting on my server where I can communicate with finch (A console interface of pidgin , with the interface looking like links2 ) through the DBus Python library to send messages or check for buddy online status. This works if you do it in X. Run finch in an X terminal and run the Python script in another terminal with no errors/exceptions. But if you do it without X , you have to run finch in TTY1 (ctrl+alt+f1) and the python script in TTY2 (ctrl+alt+f2) but the python script will fail . The following is the first few lines of the script: import dbus bus = dbus

DBus Finch/Pidgin without X11

半腔热情 提交于 2019-11-29 15:42:49
问题 I want to do some Python scripting on my server where I can communicate with finch (A console interface of pidgin , with the interface looking like links2 ) through the DBus Python library to send messages or check for buddy online status. This works if you do it in X. Run finch in an X terminal and run the Python script in another terminal with no errors/exceptions. But if you do it without X , you have to run finch in TTY1 (ctrl+alt+f1) and the python script in TTY2 (ctrl+alt+f2) but the