
LoggerFields for Syslog (output log priority and stack trace)

孤者浪人 提交于 2020-01-05 04:51:30
问题 Log4j can send logs to Papertrail using a syslog appender (documentation): log4j.appender.syslog.Facility=LOCAL7 log4j.appender.syslog.FacilityPrinting=false log4j.appender.syslog.Header=true log4j.appender.syslog.SyslogHost=<host> log4j.appender.syslog.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.syslog.layout.ConversionPattern=%p: (%F:%L) %x %m %n Notice the handy ConversionPattern property. I have

NXlog ignores multiline tomcat stacktraces while sending to Papertrail

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-13 05:19:26
问题 I am able get the stacktrace[exceptions] from rsyslog (v-8.13.0) to a common nxlog server which sends the logs to a papertrail server. But the nxlog server ignores these multiline logs to papertrail. I know there is a module (xm_multiline) in nxlog which can parse this, but not sure on how to integrate this with my current nxlog configuration file: ######################################## # Global directives # ######################################## User nxlog Group nxlog LogFile /var/log

docker compose logging is not working with syslog option

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-11 10:57:25
问题 I have a docker-compose configuration like this: version: '3' services: worker: image: // image logging: driver: syslog options: syslog-address: "udp://" tag: "{{.Name}}/{{.ID}}" When I deploy this to digital ocean & ubuntu I can successfully run the docker-compose up command like so: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up When that command runs I can see this output worker_2_844fc7675414 | WARNING: no logs are available with the 'syslog' log driver worker_1