
New Pandoc distrib = loose cross-references (RMarkdown - knitr - Bookdown - thesisdown - R)

不羁的心 提交于 2020-12-12 21:36:15
问题 I've loose some cross-references when exporting a bunch of .Rmd files to a single .doc file, using knitr and bookdown (+ yaml). The method is thesisdown::thesis_word:. The problem of loosing-references occurred immediately after I've installed a new version of Pandoc. Maybe I miss a step after Pandoc installation ? The lost references are currently the \@ref(title) ones, which previously return the number of the title indicated by : # My title {#title} and now return (??) . Only these anchors

New Pandoc distrib = loose cross-references (RMarkdown - knitr - Bookdown - thesisdown - R)

放肆的年华 提交于 2020-12-12 21:35:58
问题 I've loose some cross-references when exporting a bunch of .Rmd files to a single .doc file, using knitr and bookdown (+ yaml). The method is thesisdown::thesis_word:. The problem of loosing-references occurred immediately after I've installed a new version of Pandoc. Maybe I miss a step after Pandoc installation ? The lost references are currently the \@ref(title) ones, which previously return the number of the title indicated by : # My title {#title} and now return (??) . Only these anchors

New Pandoc distrib = loose cross-references (RMarkdown - knitr - Bookdown - thesisdown - R)

核能气质少年 提交于 2020-12-12 21:31:45
问题 I've loose some cross-references when exporting a bunch of .Rmd files to a single .doc file, using knitr and bookdown (+ yaml). The method is thesisdown::thesis_word:. The problem of loosing-references occurred immediately after I've installed a new version of Pandoc. Maybe I miss a step after Pandoc installation ? The lost references are currently the \@ref(title) ones, which previously return the number of the title indicated by : # My title {#title} and now return (??) . Only these anchors

New Pandoc distrib = loose cross-references (RMarkdown - knitr - Bookdown - thesisdown - R)

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2020-12-12 21:30:23
问题 I've loose some cross-references when exporting a bunch of .Rmd files to a single .doc file, using knitr and bookdown (+ yaml). The method is thesisdown::thesis_word:. The problem of loosing-references occurred immediately after I've installed a new version of Pandoc. Maybe I miss a step after Pandoc installation ? The lost references are currently the \@ref(title) ones, which previously return the number of the title indicated by : # My title {#title} and now return (??) . Only these anchors

New Pandoc distrib = loose cross-references (RMarkdown - knitr - Bookdown - thesisdown - R)

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2020-12-12 21:29:27
问题 I've loose some cross-references when exporting a bunch of .Rmd files to a single .doc file, using knitr and bookdown (+ yaml). The method is thesisdown::thesis_word:. The problem of loosing-references occurred immediately after I've installed a new version of Pandoc. Maybe I miss a step after Pandoc installation ? The lost references are currently the \@ref(title) ones, which previously return the number of the title indicated by : # My title {#title} and now return (??) . Only these anchors

Coding and Paper Letter(二十)

烂漫一生 提交于 2020-11-22 08:38:55
资源整理。 1 Coding: 1.R语言包tibbletime,处理时间数据的包。 tibbletime 2.R语言包gravity,重力模型,可以用于分析交互作用等,其实应该是模仿物理学引力模型的拓展,在经济地理中也有介绍过。 gravity 3.开源项目earth analytics fall 2018,地球分析2018秋季课程作业模板。 earth analytics fall 2018 4.开源项目GeolocatorAnalyses,地理定位数据分析,基于R语言的项目。 GeolocatorAnalyses 5.Python开源项目PyRADS,PyRADS是用于行星大气的Python逐行辐射模型。 PyRADS 6.开源项目Eco variation,论文"Spatial and temporal variation of ecosystem properties at macroscales"的数据处理脚本和代码(R)。 Eco variation 7.Python开源项目nativepython,一个基于llvm的框架,用于从Python生成和调用高性能本机代码。 nativepython 8.R语言包RGDALDB,在sf中为GDAL的ExecuteSQL提供DBI。 RGDALDB 9.DMLC开源项目xbgoost,机器学习大杀器,提供了多个语言的接口。

科技爱好者周刊(第 133 期):贵州变瑞士,有没有可能?

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2020-11-21 10:33:09
这里记录每周值得分享的科技内容,周五发布。 本杂志开源(GitHub: ruanyf/weekly ),欢迎提交 issue,投稿或推荐科技内容。 周刊讨论区的帖子 《谁在招人?》 ,提供大量程序员就业信息,欢迎访问或发布工作/实习岗位。 封面图 11月1日,2020中国科幻大会在北京举行,会场外有占地面积近1000平方米的科幻艺术展区。(via: Instagram ) 本周话题:贵州变瑞士,有没有可能? 上个月,我第一次去贵州,玩了一周。这次旅行让我想起一篇大学里读过的文章。 浙江大学的一位老师访问瑞士后,发现瑞士的地理条件与贵州省很像:平地很少,全境都是高山,没有出海口,不合适发展工业和农业。但是, 瑞士属于世界最富的国家,贵州却是中国最穷的省份之一,以前号称"天无三日晴,地无三里平,人无三两银"。这是为什么? 他认为,原因是瑞士有合适的产业。它最强的精密制造业(比如钟表和制药)和高端服务业(比如银行、旅游、会展),都不要求大块的土地,但是附加值高,很赚钱。贵州没有这些产业,也不具备发展它们的条件,所以才会贫穷。 我来了贵州,亲眼看了以后,觉得情况发生了很大变化。贵州比想象的好得多,过去限制发展的最大瓶颈,已经没了,具备了经济起飞的条件,前景很看好。 (图片说明:铜仁市三江公园) 首先,交通已经变得比较方便了。主要城市之间都有高铁和高速公路直达,一路上都是高架和隧道