OPNET 14.5 + Windows 7 + Visual Studio 2010的一个设置问题
引用: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/opnet/OmOI_bstjTI/GhP-PRhpxEEJ 1- Start-> all programs -> Microsoft Visual studio -> Visual Studio Tools -> then (either) visual studio comand prompt OR visual studio comand prompt x64 (DEPENDS ON YOUR SYSTEM). 2- type the following comands, set INCLUDE and press enter, set LIB and press enter and set PATH and press eneter. 3- copy this comands and store it in a temporary text file. 4- go to the computer environment variables. 5- I think I will not have a variable for LIB or INCLUDE, so you need to create them. 6- set the values for those variable to