
JSch连接SSH问题Exception:Algorithm negotiation fail

核能气质少年 提交于 2021-01-09 06:55:03
自动安装部署工具ideploy,使用ssh连接主机并部署业务 。操作系统SUSE11SP4升级到SUSE12后,出现下列报错: JSch连接SSH问题Exception:Algorithm negotiation fail[SSH] Exception:Algorithm negotiation fail /app/aideploy/deploy_xx/xml/deploy-stop.xml:135: The following error occurred while executing this line: /app/aideploy/deploy_xx/xml/deploy-stop.xml:141: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Algorithm negotiation fail at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.receive_kexinit( at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.connect( at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.connect( at

SuSE的命令安装软件 zypper

余生长醉 提交于 2021-01-08 09:55:31
转自: SuSE的命令安装软件 zypper,yast2 redhat yum debain apt-gt suse 是 zypper se xxxxx 是搜索软件包 zypper in xxxxx 跟你的apt-get install xxxx等价 zypper rm xxxx 删除 zypper up xxxx 更新软件 其他的你再看看帮助吧 suse 团队 参考资料: SuSE其实提供一个类似图形化界面的工具yast,来实现管理,不需要你手工配置。如果是使用,那么我肯定就用这个工具,不过如果是学习,那么还是老实修改配置文件,这比较深入了解。 下面全部都是修改配置文件实现的修改。和使用yast修改的效果是一样的。 安装SSH SuSE有两个命令安装软件,zypper,yast2。 zypper,可以看。 不同linux版本,ssh的名字有所差异。所以要确认一下。 zypper search ssh localhost:~ # zypper search ssh Loading repository data... Reading


被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2021-01-03 11:37:06
一、安装Ubuntu 安装Ubuntu,安装过程就不详细说了,我是从微软商店下载的Ubuntu安装,没有用VMware,想用Xshell连接Ubuntu,中间一直出问题,现在解决,总结一下。 二、配置ssh server 自带ssh server不好用,先卸载再安装即可 // 卸载 sudo apt-get remove openssh-server // 安装 sudo apt-get install openssh-server 三、编辑配置文件 vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config 修改端口:   Port 36000 # 默认的是22,但是windows有自己的ssh服务用的也是22端口,修改一下   #还有一项PasswordAuthentication   # 改为yes可以使用密码登录,ssh密钥登录使用默认no   PasswordAuthentication yes 四、重启服务 sudo service ssh --full-restart 五、查看ip ifconfig 六、Xshell连接 然后输入用户名密码就🆗啦!!! 问题记录: 错误: Could not read response to hello message from hook [ ! -f /usr/bin/snap ] || /usr/bin/snap advise-snap -

ssh-add from bash script and automate passphrase entry

故事扮演 提交于 2021-01-03 06:13:53
问题 I am trying to do ssh-add from script (don't care about about security at the moment). Now ssh prompts for passphrase, which needs to be automated, so i read couple of things like this and found expect. And now i do following: eval `ssh-agent -s` script defined as : #!/usr/bin/expect spawn ssh-add /root/.ssh/id_rsa expect "Enter passphrase for /root/.ssh/id_rsa:" send "my_pass" interact ./ ssh-add -l If ssh-add would have worked it shows something like 4096 SHA256:wlfP

ssh-add from bash script and automate passphrase entry

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2021-01-03 06:13:41
问题 I am trying to do ssh-add from script (don't care about about security at the moment). Now ssh prompts for passphrase, which needs to be automated, so i read couple of things like this and found expect. And now i do following: eval `ssh-agent -s` script defined as : #!/usr/bin/expect spawn ssh-add /root/.ssh/id_rsa expect "Enter passphrase for /root/.ssh/id_rsa:" send "my_pass" interact ./ ssh-add -l If ssh-add would have worked it shows something like 4096 SHA256:wlfP

ssh-add from bash script and automate passphrase entry

拥有回忆 提交于 2021-01-03 06:11:49
问题 I am trying to do ssh-add from script (don't care about about security at the moment). Now ssh prompts for passphrase, which needs to be automated, so i read couple of things like this and found expect. And now i do following: eval `ssh-agent -s` script defined as : #!/usr/bin/expect spawn ssh-add /root/.ssh/id_rsa expect "Enter passphrase for /root/.ssh/id_rsa:" send "my_pass" interact ./ ssh-add -l If ssh-add would have worked it shows something like 4096 SHA256:wlfP

ssh-add from bash script and automate passphrase entry

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2021-01-03 06:11:41
问题 I am trying to do ssh-add from script (don't care about about security at the moment). Now ssh prompts for passphrase, which needs to be automated, so i read couple of things like this and found expect. And now i do following: eval `ssh-agent -s` script defined as : #!/usr/bin/expect spawn ssh-add /root/.ssh/id_rsa expect "Enter passphrase for /root/.ssh/id_rsa:" send "my_pass" interact ./ ssh-add -l If ssh-add would have worked it shows something like 4096 SHA256:wlfP


不想你离开。 提交于 2021-01-02 07:22:52
其实有两大协议可用于访问服务器: •Telnet •SSH 不妨逐个讨论这两大协议: Telnet 1. Telnet是电信(Telecommunications)和网络(Networks)的联合缩写,这是一种在UNIX平台上最为人所熟知的网络协议。 2. Telnet使用端口23,它是专门为局域网设计的。 3. Telnet不是一种安全通信协议,因为它并不使用任何安全机制,通过网络/互联网传输明文格式的数据,包括密码,所以谁都能嗅探数据包,获得这个重要信息。 4. Telnet中没有使用任何验证策略及数据加密方法,因而带来了巨大的安全威胁,这就是为什么telnet不再用于通过公共网络访问网络设备和服务器。 5. 在Linux系统上,telnet很容易使用yum来安装: [root@pbx2 ~]# yum install telnet telnet的最佳用途就是检查远程主机上任何特定服务的状态。比如说,如果我们想要检查在本地服务器上通过端口80运行的Apache Web服务的状态,可以这么做: [root@pbx2 ~]# telnet localhost 80 Trying ::1... telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused Trying telnet: connect to


与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2021-01-01 08:35:24
一,ssh服务 # 如何对CentOS进行联网 1:以root管理的身份登录系统 2:进入文件中 [root@localhost ~] # cd / [root@localhost /] # ls /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts ifcfg-ens33 ifdown-isdn ifup ifup-plip ifup- tunnel ifcfg -lo ifdown-post ifup-aliases ifup-plusb ifup- wireless ifdown ifdown -ppp ifup-bnep ifup-post init.ipv6- global ifdown -bnep ifdown-routes ifup-eth ifup-ppp network- functions ifdown -eth ifdown-sit ifup-ib ifup-routes network-functions- ipv6 ifdown -ib ifdown-Team ifup-ippp ifup- sit ifdown -ippp ifdown-TeamPort ifup-ipv6 ifup- Team ifdown -ipv6 ifdown-tunnel ifup-isdn ifup- TeamPort [root@localhost /] # vim


走远了吗. 提交于 2020-12-29 12:40:26
标题 远程访问及控制 *学会构建SSH远程登录服务 *学会使用SSH客户端工具 *学会编写TCP Wrappers访问策略 实验环境: 开启2台linux虚拟机 linux-1 openssh服务器 仅主机 nat 2.linux-2 外网客户端 nat 主机 内网客户机 仅主机 OpenSSH服务器 1.SSH协议(安全通道协议) *为客户机提供安全的Shell环境,用于远程管理(生产环境多用),远程登录、远程双向复制scp,远程文件传输sftp;安全性高。 *默认端口:TCP 22 2.OpenSSH *服务名称:sshd *服务端主程序:/usr/sbin/sshd *服务端配置文件:/etc/ssh/sshd_config 为了提高安全性,可做下列配置 3。服务监听选项 *端口号、协议版本、监听IP地址 *禁用反向解析 [root@localhost ~]# cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config.bak [root@localhost ~]# vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config …… 17 Port 22 ***可更改端口 18 Protocol 2 ***版本2比版本1安全性高 20