
Understanding the difference between a 2D texture array and a 3D texture?

假如想象 提交于 2020-12-30 06:12:27
问题 If I understand correctly, if I was to set TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER to NEAREST then there's not much difference between sampler2DArray / TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY and sampler3D / TEXTURE_3D The differences seem to be GenerateMipmap will blend cross layers with 3D textures but not 2D arrays the Z coordinate passed to texture in GLSL is 0 to 1 with 3D textures but an 0 to N (depth) in 2D arrays. If filtering is not NEAREST 3D will blend across layers, 2D array will not. Correct? 回答1: Incorrect. There's one

Understanding the difference between a 2D texture array and a 3D texture?

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2020-12-30 06:11:59
问题 If I understand correctly, if I was to set TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER to NEAREST then there's not much difference between sampler2DArray / TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY and sampler3D / TEXTURE_3D The differences seem to be GenerateMipmap will blend cross layers with 3D textures but not 2D arrays the Z coordinate passed to texture in GLSL is 0 to 1 with 3D textures but an 0 to N (depth) in 2D arrays. If filtering is not NEAREST 3D will blend across layers, 2D array will not. Correct? 回答1: Incorrect. There's one

Understanding the difference between a 2D texture array and a 3D texture?

风格不统一 提交于 2020-12-30 06:10:52
问题 If I understand correctly, if I was to set TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER to NEAREST then there's not much difference between sampler2DArray / TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY and sampler3D / TEXTURE_3D The differences seem to be GenerateMipmap will blend cross layers with 3D textures but not 2D arrays the Z coordinate passed to texture in GLSL is 0 to 1 with 3D textures but an 0 to N (depth) in 2D arrays. If filtering is not NEAREST 3D will blend across layers, 2D array will not. Correct? 回答1: Incorrect. There's one

Understanding the difference between a 2D texture array and a 3D texture?

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2020-12-30 06:06:56
问题 If I understand correctly, if I was to set TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER to NEAREST then there's not much difference between sampler2DArray / TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY and sampler3D / TEXTURE_3D The differences seem to be GenerateMipmap will blend cross layers with 3D textures but not 2D arrays the Z coordinate passed to texture in GLSL is 0 to 1 with 3D textures but an 0 to N (depth) in 2D arrays. If filtering is not NEAREST 3D will blend across layers, 2D array will not. Correct? 回答1: Incorrect. There's one

How can I optimize the performance of a QGraphicsView-based app?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2020-12-29 14:27:52
问题 I have an app which is based on the Qt Graphics View framework. It's a jigsaw puzzle game which basically cuts a pixmap into smaller pixmaps (puzzle pieces) and displays them as QGraphicsItem s in a QGraphicsView . I want this app to run on smartphones and tablets. (It already runs on the Nokia N900 and some Symbian phones. Not optimized for Symbian^3 yet.) The source is on Gitorious. The items inherit QGraphicsItem and QObject , and have Q_PROPERTY macros for the pos() and rotation() of the

How can I optimize the performance of a QGraphicsView-based app?

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-12-29 14:19:08
问题 I have an app which is based on the Qt Graphics View framework. It's a jigsaw puzzle game which basically cuts a pixmap into smaller pixmaps (puzzle pieces) and displays them as QGraphicsItem s in a QGraphicsView . I want this app to run on smartphones and tablets. (It already runs on the Nokia N900 and some Symbian phones. Not optimized for Symbian^3 yet.) The source is on Gitorious. The items inherit QGraphicsItem and QObject , and have Q_PROPERTY macros for the pos() and rotation() of the

How can I optimize the performance of a QGraphicsView-based app?

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2020-12-29 14:14:13
问题 I have an app which is based on the Qt Graphics View framework. It's a jigsaw puzzle game which basically cuts a pixmap into smaller pixmaps (puzzle pieces) and displays them as QGraphicsItem s in a QGraphicsView . I want this app to run on smartphones and tablets. (It already runs on the Nokia N900 and some Symbian phones. Not optimized for Symbian^3 yet.) The source is on Gitorious. The items inherit QGraphicsItem and QObject , and have Q_PROPERTY macros for the pos() and rotation() of the

How can I optimize the performance of a QGraphicsView-based app?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-12-29 14:08:06
问题 I have an app which is based on the Qt Graphics View framework. It's a jigsaw puzzle game which basically cuts a pixmap into smaller pixmaps (puzzle pieces) and displays them as QGraphicsItem s in a QGraphicsView . I want this app to run on smartphones and tablets. (It already runs on the Nokia N900 and some Symbian phones. Not optimized for Symbian^3 yet.) The source is on Gitorious. The items inherit QGraphicsItem and QObject , and have Q_PROPERTY macros for the pos() and rotation() of the

VS2019+opengl 调试skybox项目时遇到的错误:无法解析的外部符号。。。

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2020-12-28 19:34:12
opengl天空盒一些配置错误解决记录 下载项目后的一些配置过程 demo pro1 Pro2 prob3 prob4 end!记录学习 下载项目后的一些配置过程 demo demo下载地址; 开启问题记录: pro1 error C4996: ‘scanf’: This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using scanf_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details. 解决 _ 方法一:将原来的旧函数替换成新的 Security CRT functions。 方法二:用以下方法屏蔽这个警告: 1. 在预编译头文件stdafx.h里(注意:一定要在没有include任何头文件之前)定义下面的宏: #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE 2. 或声明 #param warning(disable:4996) 3. 更改预处理定义: 项目->属性->配置属性->C/C++ -> 预处理器 -> 预处理器定义,增加: _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE

GitHub 超 20000 Star,最火开源视频库 FFmpeg 这 20 年!

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-12-28 01:23:16
【编者按】不知不觉,FFmpeg 已有 20 个年头了。这 20 年总体看来,FFmpeg 如今已非常成功,但期间也有一些波折。 项目发起人 Fabrice Bellard 曾带领部分开发团队脱离 FFmpeg ,创建新项目 libav ,直到后来 FFmpeg 项目负责人 Michael Niedermayer 将 libav 的代码合并到了 FFmpeg。除此之外,FFmpeg 的“耻辱柱”更是为人熟知,国内的暴风影音和 QQ 影音都曾上榜。 如今,尽管 FFmpeg 正在被基于他的应用慢慢取代,但他对于音视频等领域的影响依旧可见。技术升级换代促使社会进步,同样,FFmpeg 也在用自己的方式改善人们的生活…… 作者 | 陈超 责编 | 张文 头图 | CSDN 下载自视觉中国 出品 | CSDN(ID:CSDNnews) FFmpeg 20 年绝对是个历史厚重的话题,而且它涉及了很多人的利益,我们不作过多阐述。本文,我仅仅从一个从事音视频行业十多年的开发者,从一个 FFmepg 使用者的角度,结合自身经历,谈一谈自己的观点和看法,希望能给大家一些参考。 为什么让我来聊这个话题?一方面是因为我从业时间长,第二方面,我也是 FFmpeg 开源项目的受益者。所以无论从纯技术角度,还是从商业产品的角度,我都有小小的经验可以分享。 FFmpeg 由法国天才程序员 Fabrice