

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2021-01-10 03:37:44
碎碎念: 最近拿到一个工业模型渲染测试,它有三千六百万个三角面,内存使用了近16G。家里电脑显卡是GTX960,才2G显存,完全不够用啊。稍微加点模型进去,就超显存不渲了,很是揪心,谁让我选了redshift渲呢。。但不可否认它确实出图很快啊。 为了测试继续进行下去,我不断优化场景,尽可能的删掉看不到物体。最终模型三角面减到了两千百万,才勉强能够渲成图。小心翼翼调整采样,都不敢多加半点参数。门都不敢打开,糟心的测试,真是够够了。贴一张渲染出来的图留念一下吧! 这只是别人发给我的测试,可能不是西门子的东西,自己瞎放上去的。如有不合适,请联系我删掉。。 恩!回归到正题,要跟上时代潮流家里就得换电脑了。于是我研读了一下redshift的对于硬件的需求。 划重点: 游戏显卡跟专业显卡在redshift渲染性能上没差异。windows系统选专业显卡会快。 1GB的显存中容纳大约2千万到3千3百万个三角面。算算自己的需求量吧。 单显卡,显存越高越好啦,渲染会更快。 多个GPU的显存不能叠加在一起用。如果是多显卡一起使用,可以一次渲多帧,会节约渲染时间。 CPU单核高GHz是更好的选择。 至少安装比GPU大两倍的内存。 本地缓存纹理文件夹所在的磁盘,使用固态硬盘会加快读取速度。 网络读取速度会影响渲染速度,请用大量代理文件(例如3000w面的代理)测试本地路径和网络路径渲染时间差异。

FFmpeg 作者法布里斯•贝拉:我只是在做我感兴趣的事

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2021-01-06 11:23:34
作者 | 年素清 责编 | 王晓曼 出品 | 程序人生 (ID:coder _life) 法布里斯•贝拉(FabriceBellard)有着“天才程序员”之称,因为FFmpeg、QEMU等项目而闻名于业界。同时,他凭着极其深厚的计算机底层功力编写出了多款编译器和虚拟机,并靠着出色的数学知识提出了最快圆周率算法贝拉公式。然而面对这些成就,贝拉坦言不过是因为是喜欢做自己感兴趣的事情。 高中写出压缩软件 贝拉于1972年生在法国格勒诺布尔,从小就对电子设备表现出与生俱来的兴趣,据说他咿呀学语时说出的第一个词语是“magn ́etophone” (录音机)。 良好的家境使得幼时的贝尔能够更加容易地获得他所探索领域的知识和设备。在他9岁时,家里就给贝拉购买了一台TI-59科学计算器,好满足他对编程的好奇之心。11岁时,贝拉拥有了一台更为先进的TI-49/4A私人电脑。15岁时,贝拉的装备换成了Amstrad PC1512,更为强大的配置和全 qwerty 键盘,令贝拉对计算机和编程所表现出来的浓厚兴趣发挥得淋漓尽致。 读高中的贝拉在PC1512 上编程时,因为磁盘空间有限,他想到通过压缩文件来节省有限的磁盘空间。他用8086 汇编语言(PC1512的机器语言)重写了现有的压缩方法LZSS,优化了程序的结构,使得压缩、解压过程变得更加快速

Texturing a cube with different images using OpenGL

不想你离开。 提交于 2021-01-05 07:32:39
问题 I have a project from school I'm currently working on and I need to texture a non-rotating cube showing just 3 faces. I've tried doing it on my own but I only get one image on all the 3 faces. I don't know if it's my method that's wrong or the way I'm loading the remaining two images. I would really appreciate help from anyone. This is how I load my textures GLuint VAO, VBO; glGenVertexArrays(1, &VAO); glGenBuffers(1, &VBO); glBindVertexArray(VAO); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, VBO);

Texturing a cube with different images using OpenGL

感情迁移 提交于 2021-01-05 07:28:56
问题 I have a project from school I'm currently working on and I need to texture a non-rotating cube showing just 3 faces. I've tried doing it on my own but I only get one image on all the 3 faces. I don't know if it's my method that's wrong or the way I'm loading the remaining two images. I would really appreciate help from anyone. This is how I load my textures GLuint VAO, VBO; glGenVertexArrays(1, &VAO); glGenBuffers(1, &VBO); glBindVertexArray(VAO); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, VBO);

How to link to native libraries in a Visual Studio Code project?

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2021-01-05 07:24:05
问题 I am learning OpenGl and I am new to ms Visual Studio Code. I want to add GLEW and GLFW to visual studio code. I have been only able to add header files and it's been 2 weeks from then and I still haven't been able to figure out how to add libraries of GLEW and GLFW to vscode. All the tutorials on the Internet are made for past versions of the visual studio by creating an empty project. But this empty project option is not available in Visual Studio Code. So, please help me to figure this out

How can I draw a cylinder that connects two points in OpenGL

邮差的信 提交于 2021-01-01 10:12:07
问题 i have two point each point has its own X and Y value and they have the same Z value. i want a function to draw Cylinder between these two points. 回答1: For building a cylinder with two given points, you need vector analysis. You are building two perpendicular vectors which are added to each point and scaled with sin/cos multiplied with the radius. It accepts all points (The old code had a bug because it missed the sqrt() for the length). Now it functions correctly and draw the cylinder with

How can I draw a cylinder that connects two points in OpenGL

梦想的初衷 提交于 2021-01-01 10:08:54
问题 i have two point each point has its own X and Y value and they have the same Z value. i want a function to draw Cylinder between these two points. 回答1: For building a cylinder with two given points, you need vector analysis. You are building two perpendicular vectors which are added to each point and scaled with sin/cos multiplied with the radius. It accepts all points (The old code had a bug because it missed the sqrt() for the length). Now it functions correctly and draw the cylinder with

How can I draw a cylinder that connects two points in OpenGL

南楼画角 提交于 2021-01-01 10:06:17
问题 i have two point each point has its own X and Y value and they have the same Z value. i want a function to draw Cylinder between these two points. 回答1: For building a cylinder with two given points, you need vector analysis. You are building two perpendicular vectors which are added to each point and scaled with sin/cos multiplied with the radius. It accepts all points (The old code had a bug because it missed the sqrt() for the length). Now it functions correctly and draw the cylinder with

Understanding the difference between a 2D texture array and a 3D texture?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2020-12-30 06:15:46
问题 If I understand correctly, if I was to set TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER to NEAREST then there's not much difference between sampler2DArray / TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY and sampler3D / TEXTURE_3D The differences seem to be GenerateMipmap will blend cross layers with 3D textures but not 2D arrays the Z coordinate passed to texture in GLSL is 0 to 1 with 3D textures but an 0 to N (depth) in 2D arrays. If filtering is not NEAREST 3D will blend across layers, 2D array will not. Correct? 回答1: Incorrect. There's one

Understanding the difference between a 2D texture array and a 3D texture?

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-12-30 06:14:32
问题 If I understand correctly, if I was to set TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER to NEAREST then there's not much difference between sampler2DArray / TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY and sampler3D / TEXTURE_3D The differences seem to be GenerateMipmap will blend cross layers with 3D textures but not 2D arrays the Z coordinate passed to texture in GLSL is 0 to 1 with 3D textures but an 0 to N (depth) in 2D arrays. If filtering is not NEAREST 3D will blend across layers, 2D array will not. Correct? 回答1: Incorrect. There's one