
Locking screen of Android phone results in several subsequent onPause/onResume events

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-12-23 07:30:15
问题 I encountered this somewhat strange behavior while developing on Android and during my googling the only answer I could find was that this is by design and that I should not care about it. My application fetches location data while active, and I was about to implement a way to preserve battery by stopping location updates when the onPause event is called, and later resume fetching when the onResume event is called. While debugging I noticed this strange behavior when locking the phone,

Call finish() inside onPause() but not when orientation changes

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-22 08:32:15
问题 I have an app that needs to call finish when someone exits its main activity (so i do not want it to be paused ), even by pressing home activity has to be finished, to handle this currently i simply call finish() in my onPause() method, since everything is done with fragments it works pretty well and gives no stability issues. My only problem is that i cannot handle orientation changes since onPause() is called before onConfigurationChanged() (allowing me to disable this behavior when

Pausing threads properly onPause() and onResume() with a SurfaceView and Thread in Android

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-21 06:08:06
问题 To run the games that I've created on Android, I've been using a GamePanel contains the methods onDraw() and onTouch(). I also have been using a GameThread class that calls onDraw() and update() repeatedly. My activity instantiates the GamePanel and my GamePanel instantiates the GameThread. My onPause() just sets the condition in the while-loop inside the thread, run, to false. My onResume() used to just set that equal to true, however that would give me a force close error ( see edit #1 )

onSaveInstanceState() and onPause() call sequence

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-19 19:49:47
问题 The documentation on onSaveInstanceState() states: If the method is called, it is always called before onStop() and possibly before onPause(). But, I notice, consistently, from log messages that onPause() is ALWAYS CALLED BEFORE onSaveInstanceState() . I had put log messages in these two methods. Please help me understand in what circumstances does onSaveInstanceState() is called before onPause() . Environment: Android v4.0 (API 14) + Eclipse v3.7.1 - Indigo. 回答1: You can read about that here

android - There is no default constructor for ArrayAdapter

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-12-18 05:09:07
问题 I m making adapter to adapt my book collection to be visible in list view. Issue is solved if I add super(context, position): public BookAdapter(Context context, int position, List <Book> updatedBooksList) { super(context, position); this.context = context; this.booksList = updatedBooksList ; } However, I want to know why I need this argument (int position) and call superclass constructor? protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Also, in the

ViewPager with fragments - onPause(), onResume()?

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-17 10:24:09
问题 When using ViewPager with fragments, our onPause , onResume methods are not called when moving between tabs. Is there any way we can figure out in the fragment when we're being made visible or being hidden? Unfortunately I have logic in onResume , onPause , like registering with location services, that never get stopped when switching tabs because onPause never gets called until one exits the whole app. 回答1: The ViewPager comes with the OnPageChangeListener interface. By setting some flags

activity life cycle Android

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-13 14:12:26
问题 I have read several posts on here and elsewhere about the life cycle but I'm still confused. What do we store in the onpause, how do we store it and how do you recall it in the onresume Method. Any more info and if possible a detailed example would be greatly appreciated. 回答1: Is this what you mean For further explanation onCreate(Bundle) is where you initialize your activity. Most importantly, here you will usually call setContentView(int) with a layout resource defining your UI, and using

Android onResume not called

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-13 07:41:31
问题 I'm developing an app for Android, and I want it to pause the music when you press the home button (onPause). That works fine, but then when I try to start up the game again, onResume, onRestart, onStart, onRestoreInstanceState and onCreate are never called and it tells me that the application is not responding. There are no Exceptions shown in the LogCat... So I have no idea what is happening. Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this might be the case? -EDIT- I do get this error in

Saving dynamically added LinearLayouts without using savedInstanceState?

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-13 04:37:58
问题 I have a layout in which I have dynamically added custom views at a push of a button. These layouts extend LinearLayout and each carry their own unique Action objects. The views will disappear, however, if onCreate is called again, when the user navigates away or rotates the screen. I want to keep these custom ActionHolder views there. To add to the problem, the ActionHolder objects contain sensitive information. The Action objects themselves store a live timer(that is supposed to keep on

how to implement pause and resume method in countdowntimer

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-12 16:22:34
问题 Hi i am working countdowntimer concept. Here when i click start button the countdown will start. as well as stop also its working fine but i need to implement pause and resume method in my countdown timer. the countdown will go to pause state when i click pause button. the countdown will start from pause value when i click start button. for ex: my countdown is 0 to 30, suppose if i click pause button the value will be pause ex: 25 or 15 something else. the countdown will start from 25 when i