Cannot add part for the specified URI because it is already in the package
I am using NUGET Pack in teamcity to build a package. But it is creating the following error. I am using nuget teamcity version 2.2.1. Step 2/2: Build Package (NuGet Pack) (14s) [12:10:40][Step 2/2] Cleaning Z:\hgbuilds\IT\Build\packages [12:10:40][Step 2/2] pack: Create NuGet package from UI\UI.Tour\UI.Tour.Web\UI.Tour.Web.csproj (14s) [12:10:40][pack] NuGet command: C:\BuildAgent\tools\NuGet.CommandLine.2.2.1.nupkg\tools\NuGet.exe pack Z:\hgbuilds\IT\UI\UI.Tour\UI.Tour.Web\Calrom.UI.InclusiveTour.Web.csproj -OutputDirectory Z:\hgbuilds\IT\Build\packages -BasePath Z:\hgbuilds\IT -Verbose