iPhone iOS5 querying OpenGL ES 2.0 pipeline objects if they are hidden in the view or not…“Occlusion”
EXT_occlusion_query_boolean is new with OS5.0, it looks to me like not a single person on the entire internet has posted about these new extensions nor used this code.... so here they are set up properly...which is not documented anywhere as far as i can tell... you can imagine how they would go in your code from this little sudo code here: import UIKit/UIKit.h import GLKit/GLKit.h import "GLProgram.h" GLuint testBox,hasBeenTested,theParams; //... glGenQueriesEXT(1, &testBox); glBeginQueryEXT(GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED_EXT, testBox); //... draw an object ....... glEndQueryEXT(GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED