0 前言 《挪威的森林》是村上春树很有名的一部小说,但我想大多数人阅读的时候都只是把书名当作一个符号,而不是作为故事去追究。 我国台湾知名文学评论家杨照先生说过:村上的书里有太多太多典故,如果你只是把这些典故当作符号看待,那么会少很多阅读的乐趣。你探寻这些典故越深,就越能体会村上想要表达的意思。 那么《挪威的森林》是怎么来的? 1 the Beatles 了解村上的人都知道:他生命中最重要的几件事就是写作、听音乐、长跑和翻译。 Norwegian Wood(This Bird Has Flown)是Beatles在1965年发行的歌,这首歌的歌词非常简单: I once had a girl Or should I say she once had me She showed me her room Isn't good Norwegian wood? She asked me to stay And she told me to sit anywhere So I looked around And I noticed there wasn't a chair I sat on a rug biding my time Drinking her wine We talked until two and then she said "It's time for bed" She