
Removing “NUL” characters (within R)

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-01 07:33:01
I've got a strange text file with a bunch of NUL characters in it (actually about 10 such files), and I'd like to programmatically replace them from within R. Here is a link to one of the files. With the aid of this question I've finally figured out a better-than- ad-hoc way of going into each file and find-and-replacing the nuisance characters. It turns out that each pair of them should correspond to one space ( [NUL][NUL] -> ) to maintain the intended line width of the file (which is crucial for reading these as fixed-width further down the road). However, for robustness' sake, I prefer a

Removing “NUL” characters (within R)

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-01 05:15:15
问题 I've got a strange text file with a bunch of NUL characters in it (actually about 10 such files), and I'd like to programmatically replace them from within R. Here is a link to one of the files. With the aid of this question I've finally figured out a better-than- ad-hoc way of going into each file and find-and-replacing the nuisance characters. It turns out that each pair of them should correspond to one space ( [NUL][NUL] -> ) to maintain the intended line width of the file (which is

C# Generics: If T is a return type, can it also be void? How can I combine these interfaces together?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-11-30 00:27:47
问题 I have the following interface that returns the generic parameter of type T using a callback... public interface IDoWork<T> { T DoWork(); } however I also have the following interface as well, but it won't invoke a callback since it returns void. public interface IDoWork { void DoWork(); } Can I combine these two interfaces and use runtime logic to determine the difference? How can I do that? 回答1: Unfortunately, they can't be combined. You can see this in the framework - that's why there is a

NUL undeclared- first use in this function

谁都会走 提交于 2019-11-29 15:47:36
From the web I understand that C contains NUL keyword. But while compiling I get an error NUL undeclared first use in this function' My code fragment: for (;;) { char ch = (*pzDest = *pzSrc); if (ch == NUL) break; if (ch == ':') { *pzDest = NUL; break; } pzDest++; pzSrc++; } Any idea why I get this error? There's NULL and then there's NUL . NULL is defined in stddef.h, is used very widely, and is a reference to a null pointer. NUL is different - it is the first character in the standard ASCII character set, and more importantly, it is not a standard macro . You may have to define it yourself.

Python - how to read file with NUL delimited lines?

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2019-11-28 09:17:55
I usually use the following Python code to read lines from a file : f = open('./my.csv', 'r') for line in f: print line But how about if the file is line delimited by "\0" (not "\n") ? Is there a Python module that could handle this ? Thanks for any advice. If your file is small enough that you can read it all into memory you can use split: for line in'\0'): print line Otherwise you might want to try this recipe from the discussion about this feature request : def fileLineIter(inputFile, inputNewline="\n", outputNewline=None, readSize=8192): """Like the normal file iter but you

read() stops after NUL character

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-11-28 02:05:06
问题 I'm downloading files over HTTPS, I request the files through urllib2.Request and they come back as a socket._fileobject . I'd ideally like to stream this to file to avoid loading it into memory but I'm not sure how to do this. My problem is if I call .read() on the object it only returns all the data up to the first NUL character and doesn't read the whole file. How can I solve this? The NUL character comes down as \x00 if that's any help, not sure what encoding that is 回答1: I found out the

Java string replace and the NUL (NULL, ASCII 0) character?

邮差的信 提交于 2019-11-27 20:03:17
Testing out someone elses code, I noticed a few JSP pages printing funky non-ASCII characters. Taking a dip into the source I found this tidbit: // remove any periods from first name e.g. Mr. John --> Mr John firstName = firstName.trim().replace('.','\0'); Does replacing a character in a String with a null character even work in Java? I know that '\0' will terminate a C-string. Would this be the culprit to the funky characters? Does replacing a character in a String with a null character even work in Java? I know that '\0' will terminate a c-string. That depends on how you define what is

Python - how to read file with NUL delimited lines?

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-11-27 02:48:00
问题 I usually use the following Python code to read lines from a file : f = open('./my.csv', 'r') for line in f: print line But how about if the file is line delimited by "\0" (not "\n") ? Is there a Python module that could handle this ? Thanks for any advice. 回答1: If your file is small enough that you can read it all into memory you can use split: for line in'\0'): print line Otherwise you might want to try this recipe from the discussion about this feature request: def

Java string replace and the NUL (NULL, ASCII 0) character?

你。 提交于 2019-11-26 20:08:09
问题 Testing out someone elses code, I noticed a few JSP pages printing funky non-ASCII characters. Taking a dip into the source I found this tidbit: // remove any periods from first name e.g. Mr. John --> Mr John firstName = firstName.trim().replace('.','\0'); Does replacing a character in a String with a null character even work in Java? I know that '\0' will terminate a C-string. Would this be the culprit to the funky characters? 回答1: Does replacing a character in a String with a null character