
NUL undeclared- first use in this function

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-18 09:12:46
问题 From the web I understand that C contains NUL keyword. But while compiling I get an error NUL undeclared first use in this function' My code fragment: for (;;) { char ch = (*pzDest = *pzSrc); if (ch == NUL) break; if (ch == ':') { *pzDest = NUL; break; } pzDest++; pzSrc++; } Any idea why I get this error? 回答1: There's NULL and then there's NUL . NULL is defined in stddef.h, is used very widely, and is a reference to a null pointer. NUL is different - it is the first character in the standard

How To Recover CSS Rules From A Corrupted CSS File

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-13 09:14:27
问题 My .css file was working fine but today I noticed the website is not acting based on CSS rules so I tried to inspect the rues on browser and surprisingly I noticed the CSS file is empty! I tried to open the style.css file in Notepad++ and this is how it looks like I also tried to open the file in Bracket editor which I got this message Can you please let me know if there is a way to fix this issue and retrieve the CSS rules from these NULs? 回答1: If your file is indeed corrupted, and you have

Is there a sed type package in R for removing embedded NULs?

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-12 14:58:47
问题 I am processing the US Weather service Storm Data, which has one large CSV data file for each year from 1950 onwards. The 1999 year file contains several rows with very large freeform text fields which contain embedded NUL characters, in an otherwise vanilla ascii database. (The offending file is at R cannot handle corrupted string data without errors,and this includes R data.frame

NULL in a string can't copy contents after NUL

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-11 16:48:50
问题 I have a slight issue when I am getting data back from an external device in bytes and then converting it to a string. I am communicating to this device via a TcpClient. I receive a message from this external device and format it as a string. The problem I am getting is, the message I get back contains a "NUL" . When I try to read its contents the string terminates after it comes across NUL in the string. For example: hello world NUL blah blah blah When I add a watcher I don't see blah blah

Conitnue to read through NUL

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2019-12-11 13:53:16
问题 I got a .dat file, encoded in ANSI which contains NUL caracters (not only !). I wan't to read it into a str object iot cut something in the whole str obtained. But stops when the first NUL is reached. I'm lost :) My code : file=open(source, mode='rt') print(fulltext) NUL is show with Notepad++ I'm on Windows XP, with PortablePython 3.2 The file is a special DAT file that can be edited with notepad as a text. 回答1: If you want to read bytes like 0 , chances are

read nul delimited fields

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-07 08:41:02
问题 Given this file printf 'alpha\0bravo\0charlie' > delta.txt I would like to read the fields into separate variables. The reason I am using a null separator is because the fields will contain file paths, which can contain any character except null. I tried these commands: IFS= read mike november oscar < delta.txt IFS=$'\0' read mike november oscar < delta.txt However the fields are not being properly split $ echo $mike alphabravocharlie 回答1: The assignment IFS=$'\0' doesn't make the null

DOS命令中 > nul 的用法

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-07 02:31:36
rd /q /s "c:" > nul 2> nul | del /a /f "c:" > nul 2> nul 这个"> nul 2> nul"可以屏蔽一切屏幕的输出.   假如你执行一个命令,但是不想在屏幕里看到这个命令的执行情况,可以使用"[命令]>nul"就可以屏蔽命令在屏幕上的输出了,但是有 的命令执行会出错,即使用了">nul"也不能屏蔽命令产生的信息,所以就在后面加" 2>nul"这个,就是"[命令]>nul+空格+2>nul",这样,不 管命令是否正确的运行,都不会在屏幕看到这个命令所产生的屏幕显示了。   用"dir"命令可以显示当前目录的文件及文件夹列表,这时如果用"dir>nul",你就看不见dir命令执行的屏幕输出了,那么你再键入"dirr" 会是什么情况呢?这时会显示" 'dirr' 不是内部命令,也不是外部命令,也不是批处理文件。",这时你也许会用"dirr>nul"来屏蔽这个错误 提示,但是告诉你,你的猜想是错的,因为依然会出现" 'dirr' 不是内部命令,也不是外部命令,也不是批处理文件。"这个错误提示,这时 如果你用"dirr>nul 2>nul"的话,你就在屏幕上看不到上面的出错提示了。不知道你再明白了没有。   如果你想了解更多的关于nul的说明,可以在论坛里面搜索一下,可以搜索到willsort兄详细及精彩的关于nul用法的解说的

Storing JQ NULL-delimited output in bash array

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-06 09:43:28
问题 on bash 4.4.12 using jq 1.5 with this one-liner IFS=_ read -r -a a < <(jq -ncj '["a","b","c"][]+"_"') ; printf '%s\n' "${a[@]}" I get a properly delimited output a b c for elements a, b and c respectively, BUT if I try the same thing with a null delimiter like so: IFS= read -r -a a < <(jq -ncj '["a","b","c"][]+"\u0000"') ; printf '%s\n' "${a[@]}" then I would get only one array element containing abc Why doesn't this work like expected? Furthermore, if you try IFS= read -r -d '' -a a < <(jq

read nul delimited fields

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-05 18:25:12
Given this file printf 'alpha\0bravo\0charlie' > delta.txt I would like to read the fields into separate variables. The reason I am using a null separator is because the fields will contain file paths, which can contain any character except null. I tried these commands: IFS= read mike november oscar < delta.txt IFS=$'\0' read mike november oscar < delta.txt However the fields are not being properly split $ echo $mike alphabravocharlie The assignment IFS=$'\0' doesn't make the null character a delimiter, since Bash variables cannot hold null characters . IFS=$'\0' is equivalent to IFS= , which

How can I write to the NUL device under Windows from node.js?

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-04 01:51:56
This is bugging me for several days now. I know about the standard stream redirection to the NUL device, but this isn't the case. node.js uses CreateFileW under its fs native/libuv bindings. Unfortunately using something like: require('fs').writeFileSync('NUL', 'foo') creates a NUL file into the cwd that has 3 bytes. I tried writing to the \Device\Null, but since I'm pretty much a *nix head where everything is a file, I failed to actually find a working path for \Device\Null. Such as \\.\Device\Null that throws ENOENT. Any ideas about how to make this work under Windows? This seems to be