
Centos7下安装nexus3.x 安装

本秂侑毒 提交于 2021-01-09 06:58:15
1. 官网下载unix版本 2.上传到linux系统的/usr/目录下 [root@lmll70op-ne ~]# cd /usr/ [root@lmll70op-ne usr]# ll 3.解压,并重命名为nexus [root@lmll70op-ne usr]# tar -zxvf nexus-3.15.2-01-unix.tar.gz [root@lmll70op-ne usr]# mv nexus-3.15.2-01 nexus 4.修改配置修改运行nexus3所使用的用户 [root@lmll70op-ne usr]# cd nexus/bin/ contrib/ nexus nexus.rc nexus.vmoptions [root@lmll70op-ne usr]# cd nexus/bin/ [root@lmll70op-ne bin]# ll 总用量 32 drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 4月 4 15:44 contrib -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 17269 1月 26 02:34 nexus -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 15 1月 26 02:30 nexus.rc -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 464 1月 26 02:34 nexus.vmoptions [root


℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2021-01-09 00:52:20
下载nexus安装包,当前使用2.3.1版本。解压后有两个文件夹 nexus-2.3.1-01 、 sonatype-work 添加环境变量,路径为: D:\nexus-2.3.1-01-bundle\nexus-2.3.1-01\bin ,前面的路径根据自己的情况进行修改 检查环境变量是否生效,进入cmd运行 nexus 命令,出现如下情况标识成功: 安装服务。 方式1:在nexus目录下运行bat文件:D:\nexus-2.3.1-01-bundle\nexus-2.3.1-01\bin\jsw\windows-x86-64\install-nexus.bat。 前面的'windows-x86-64'为当前机器环境,推荐方式2. 方式2:在cmd中直接运行命令:nexus install。 此过程中可能遇到提示错误 wrapper | OpenSCManager failed - 拒绝访问。 (0x5) ,需要使用管理员身份运行cmd命令。安装完成后在系统服务中可以看到新增了nexus的服务项 启动服务。 方式1:在nexus目录下运行bat文件:D:\nexus-2.3.1-01-bundle\nexus-2.3.1-01\bin\jsw\windows-x86-64\start-nexus.bat。 前面的'windows-x86-64'为当前机器环境,推荐方式2. 方式2

maven nexus 私服搭建 Windows版

自作多情 提交于 2021-01-08 22:59:53
准备工作 已安装jdk,并配置好了环境变量 已安装maven,并配置好了环境变量 下载Nexus Repository OSS: 如果无法下载成功,可访问百度网盘: Linux版链接: ,提取码:whwh Windows版链接: ,提取码:0hx5 验证JDK和MAVEN java - version mvn -v 解压Nexus安装包 将nexus-3.17.01-win64.zip解压到D:\Program Files (x86)\nexus3文件夹下 解压后 查看运行端口 查看D:\Program Files (x86)\nexus3\nexus-3.17.0-01\etc\nexus-default.properties文件中的运行端口 安装为Windows服务 以管理员身份运行cmd 进入nexus3安装目录的bin目录下,通过nexus.exe /install nexus3 命令,安装为名为nexus3的Windows服务 启动、关闭、重启服务 启动服务方式有两种种: 1

How to replace version number in Maven submodule pom.xml files?

梦想的初衷 提交于 2021-01-04 05:17:14
问题 I have a multimodule maven project, sub modules get version number from a parent project property and artifacts are being created well. My problem is having ${global.version} variable in submodules' pom.xml in nexus repo. commons-GOLD.jar successfully take place in nexus by getting version number (GOLD) from parent project. However, it's pom.xml file in nexus point ${global.version} instead of GOLD and when I add commons-gold as dependency mvn try to pull cenatral/myProj.parent/$%7Bglobal

How to replace version number in Maven submodule pom.xml files?

五迷三道 提交于 2021-01-04 04:55:45
问题 I have a multimodule maven project, sub modules get version number from a parent project property and artifacts are being created well. My problem is having ${global.version} variable in submodules' pom.xml in nexus repo. commons-GOLD.jar successfully take place in nexus by getting version number (GOLD) from parent project. However, it's pom.xml file in nexus point ${global.version} instead of GOLD and when I add commons-gold as dependency mvn try to pull cenatral/myProj.parent/$%7Bglobal

How to replace version number in Maven submodule pom.xml files?

天涯浪子 提交于 2021-01-04 04:54:19
问题 I have a multimodule maven project, sub modules get version number from a parent project property and artifacts are being created well. My problem is having ${global.version} variable in submodules' pom.xml in nexus repo. commons-GOLD.jar successfully take place in nexus by getting version number (GOLD) from parent project. However, it's pom.xml file in nexus point ${global.version} instead of GOLD and when I add commons-gold as dependency mvn try to pull cenatral/myProj.parent/$%7Bglobal

eclipse maven deploy war to nexus OSS Access denied Error code 401, Unauthorized

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2021-01-01 08:15:58
问题 I want to upload the deployed war file from maven in eclipse to nexus OSS, but I get an error message. Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy (default-deploy) on project xxx: Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact from/to nexus ( Access denied to Error code 401,

eclipse maven deploy war to nexus OSS Access denied Error code 401, Unauthorized

旧巷老猫 提交于 2021-01-01 08:15:56
问题 I want to upload the deployed war file from maven in eclipse to nexus OSS, but I get an error message. Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy (default-deploy) on project xxx: Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact from/to nexus ( Access denied to Error code 401,

npm install to get dependency with tag version

核能气质少年 提交于 2020-12-31 04:49:29
问题 TL;DR: My project has dependency of "dep": "snapshot" where 'snapshot' is a tag. Running npm install does not fetch new version of "dep". Full story: So just recently I started with a JS project, and... to make a long story short i setup my own private repo via a locally installed Nexus. Let's call my project myProj1 . I added the Nexus registry in my .npmrc like so: registry=http://nexus:8081/nexus/content/groups/npm-all/ All is fine, I try and release snapshot versions before i release any

How to download remote index in Nexus OSS 3.2?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-12-29 07:26:31
问题 I successfully installed Nexus OSS 3.2, but I get no search results, for example for "junit". Also under Browse / Components / Maven Central are no components listed. I found NEXUS-9563 with following answer: This means that the search indexes from Central haven't been downloaded. Have you set "Download Remote Indexes" to "true" in the central proxy repository's configuration? But I can't find an option "Download Remote Indexes" in Nexus OSS 3.2. See proxy settings for Maven Central: I tried: