
which version of adb interface for android “nexus 7” 2013

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-11 01:17:42
问题 developing an app for the 2013 nexus 7 with android studio on windows 8.1. i have the app running on a few different devices. when adding a driver, i get a dialog: with the clockwork mod manufacturer, i get other choices like: google nexus 7 adb interface version or i assume that i want an adb interface or a composite one, but sometimes there are many choices. which interface should i use for the 2013 nexus 7? thanks 回答1: Please find the OEM USB Drives from here. Android

Nexus 7, Android 4.3: Same directory, two canonical paths

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-10 13:40:04
问题 I'm using a Nexus 7 running Android 4.3. Two directory paths on this device are confusing me: /storage/emulated/legacy /storage/emulated/0 If I call new File(<path>).getCanonicalPath() for either of these, I get the same path back. If I call the C function realpath with either, it succeeds and returns the same path. So it sounds like each of these is its own canonical path, and therefore they are different directories. However, If I create a subdirectory in either one, that subdirectory also

Android Nexus 7 DPI for Eclipse

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-08 17:06:00
问题 The Nexus 7 is that TVDPI, but that is not used in programming apps for it. Eclipse uses the HDPI, LDPI, MDPI, XHDPI, and XXHDPI folders. After my research, I still have found no solid conclusion. Four different sources, four different answers: 1.33 x MDPI HDPI XHDPI No direct answer So my question: Does anyone really know which density (HDPI/LDPI/MDPI/XHDPI/XXHDPI) the Nexus 7 uses? 回答1: The Nexus 7 is that TVDPI, but that is not used in programming apps for it. It certainly can be. You are

Cannot find storage/emulated/0/ folder of Nexus 7 in Eclipse

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-08 15:44:54
问题 Nexus 7, Ubuntu 12.04, Eclipse Juno Nexus 7 has been set developer mode. And in Eclipse I can see lists in "File Explorer" for Android. I can see storage/emulated/legacy But I can not see storage/emulated/0/ folder 回答1: I have had the same problem as well. Found the answer in a comment on a seperate stack overflow question so credit goes to the author. everything is a link to /storage/emulated/legacy anyway, which itself is a link to /mnt/shell/emulated/0 which contains the file. –

How to get IMEI number for Google Nexus 7 TAB in android?

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-06 02:00:54
I used the below code to get IMEI number for Google Nexus 7 tab. I couldn't got. How can i get IMEI number for Google Nexus 7? TelephonyManager telephonyManager = (TelephonyManager) context .getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); return telephonyManager.getDeviceId(); If I am not wrong google nexus 7 doesn't have any sim. SO if there is no sim you cannot get the IMEI number of the device as the IMEI is the network dependant on gsm networks. So if the device is wifi only you cannot identify the device by IMEI. You can use MAC address instead. Remember, you need to add the following

Host Card Emulation on Nexus 7 2012

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-05 19:12:42
I'm trying to test out the new Host Card Emulation features in KitKat, but the only KitKat device with NFC that I have at the moment is a 2012 Nexus 7. It does support card emulation through Google Wallet, and I can send and receive data to the two Master Card AIDs that it uses. However, when I try to implement my own HostApduService to handle communications with my own custom AID, Android doesn't route any APDUs to my service. I then tried to call CardEmulation.isDefaultServiceForAid to see if my service is the one that should handle my custom AIDs. When I include the CardEmulation class in

Android Studio wont recognize Nexus 7 as device

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-05 15:54:25
I am having trouble running an app I am developing in Android Studio on my Nexus 7. I have successfully gotten this to work before using the same tablet and computer (running Windows 8), but since having my laptop repaired and everything wiped I'm convinced something with my dev environment is messed up. When I go to run the project, there are no available devices, so it is not recognizing my Nexus 7 anymore. Things I have tried making sure my computer recognizes the device and that I have the Nexus 7 driver installed from ASUS going to the SDK manager and ensuring I have the Google USB driver

BLE on Nexus 7 (ME370T) with android 4.4.2

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-03 16:13:18
问题 I've been trying to pair BLE device with my Nexus 7 (ME370T) using sample from sdk (sdk\samples\android-18\legacy\BluetoothLeGatt). But I'm getting information "Ble not supported". I was searching for solution and I've only found that: NB! Nexus 7 (2012) with Android 4.3 is not delivered with BLE enabled. To work with BLE on this device you will >need the Bluetooth Low Energy Enabler tool. Prerequisites for this to work is that the device is rooted and that >the BusyBox app is installed. I

Bluetooth BLE Android write to peripheral with max throughput

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-03 09:38:38
问题 Our company develops a hardware unit that has Bluetooth BLE and we have a service app in a Nexus 7 (2013) that we want to send firmware files to the unit with. The files can be as large as 500kb. The BT chip is a Texas Instruments CC2540. I have gone through tons of we pages, and scanned Stack overflow for information how to speed up the transfer of data from the Android device to the CC2540, but haven´t found any really good example. On Nordic semiconductors homepage I found an example of

BLE on Nexus 7 (ME370T) with android 4.4.2

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-03 05:29:33
I've been trying to pair BLE device with my Nexus 7 (ME370T) using sample from sdk (sdk\samples\android-18\legacy\BluetoothLeGatt). But I'm getting information "Ble not supported". I was searching for solution and I've only found that: NB! Nexus 7 (2012) with Android 4.3 is not delivered with BLE enabled. To work with BLE on this device you will >need the Bluetooth Low Energy Enabler tool. Prerequisites for this to work is that the device is rooted and that >the BusyBox app is installed. I couldn't find any information about support on 4.4.2 or any enabled for 4.4.2. I only could find Just in