
Play store reports “Your device isn't compatible with this version” but it installs via adb just fine on Nexus7

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-17 18:53:07
问题 I have an app I released to a private Google Play beta. I can install this exact same APK to my Nexus 7 just fine with adb pm install but through the Google Play store it is marked for this exact same Nexus7 as Your device isn't compatible with this version. This is the same apk. I can't figure out how to get any information on why the play store thinks it's not compatible. My manifest looks like this: <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="10" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission

ActionBar with navigation tabs changes height with screen orientation

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-17 18:28:02
问题 My goal is to increase the ActionBar height for portrait mode. I currently set android:actionBarSize in my Themes.xml. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources xmlns:android=""> <style name="DayTheme" parent="android:style/Theme.Holo.Light"> <item name="android:actionBarSize">@dimen/actionBarHeight</item> <item name="android:actionBarTabTextStyle">@style/tab_indicator_text_dark</item> </style> <style name="NightTheme" parent="android:style

android android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE return null onActivityResult with nexus 7

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-12 07:13:53
问题 I am using intent for record video. so i use following code on recordVideo button's click Videofilepath = ""; Intent intent = new Intent(android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE); startActivityForResult(intent,REQUEST_VIDEO_CAPTURED); and in onActivityResult protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { switch (requestCode) { case IMAGE_PICK: this.imageFromGallery(resultCode, data); break; case IMAGE_CAPTURE:

Android : How to change NFC protocol priority?

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-12 03:08:59
问题 I have my own Android app (App A) which reads and writes NFC tags and ISO-14443 Type A tags. It works well on many Android devices. I want to give the role of ISO-14443 tag to my Nexus5, so I implemented my own HCE (Host Card Emulation) application (App B) on my Nexus5. When I touch the Nexus5 on an external NFC reader (which uses ISO 14443), it works perfectly. However, when I touch the Nexus5 (App B) on a Nexus7 (running App A), p2p (Android beam) data exchanging sequences start. Even after

App logo in actionbar appears larger on tablet vs phone

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-11 18:14:36
问题 I'm having trouble figuring out why my app logo in the actionbar appears larger on a nexus 7 vs a nexus 5. I'm using the actionbar in the support library. They're both running android 4.2.2 Nexus 5 (good) Nexus 7 (bad) Here are the logo image resources. What can I do to fix? 回答1: The problem because of different dimension of the devices.You can fix it by alter your images for two different dpi.xhdpi for nexus 7 under the resolution of 1920 x 1200 pixels rate.xxhdpi for nexus 5 under the

StageVideo on Android Nexus 7 shows a black square

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-11 10:36:58
问题 StageVideo in Adobe AIR 15, on a Nexus 7 with Android 4.4.3, exporting in both GPU and DIRECT, shows a black square instead of received video. It is a P2P RTMFP Video Chat. Same project on desktop works perfectly, once exported to Android, instead of remote StageVideo it shows a black square. Audio arrives perfectly, and other P2P features work well. Code is all right since same project compiles on AIR15 for desktop and works lovely. Any idea why this happens? 回答1: The stage video is

Android App Incompatibility with Nexus 7

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-11 09:18:03
问题 The play store is showing that my app is not compatible with the Nexus 7 (older model with only front-facing camera, ME370T). My app does require a camera but can use the front-facing camera. I tried to take this into account in my Manifest by specifying that any camera could be used (not just the back facing camera): <uses-feature android:name="" /> Otherwise, I have no idea why it's not able to run on the Nexus 7. Here are my permissions: <uses-permission android

How to download a webpage for offline viewing on Nexus 7 [closed]

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-11 08:45:59
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 7 years ago . I have a webpage that I would like to view when I am not in a WIFI area on my Nexus 7 tablet. How would I go about doing this? 回答1: Try an application like Pocket. 回答2: One solution to download the website was using HTTrack. I can copy it to the Nexus 7 and I can open it using something like ES File Explorer.

Nexus 7 ADB with Google driver MTP issue on Win7?

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-11 02:29:41
问题 when connected with ADB Google driver my N7 doesn't show in Porable devices and I can't access my files. If I uninstall ADB driver (with delete drivers flag checked) win7 does reinstall of its own drivers and It work. I would like to use my N7 for development but also would like to transfer my files, is there any workaround, and has anyone else come across same issue? Thanks for helping out. 回答1: Download USB driver - Nexus 7 USB driver for Windows (Link) Run Device Manager reconnect the

DFP not serving Ads for Google Nexus7 using SmartBanner

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-11 02:06:32
问题 I am using DFP in Android. It is delivering ads for mobile emulators but it is not delivering the ads for Google Nexus 7 ( 1920x1200 with 320 dpi ) device. Below is the code which I am using. final FrameLayout adLayout = (FrameLayout) activity.findViewById(; PublisherAdView adView = new PublisherAdView(activity); adView.setAdUnitId(adUnitId); adView.setAdSizes(AdSize.SMART_BANNER); adView.setAdListener(new DFPAdvertisementListener(adView, adLayout)); //Set the