
How can I communicate with WCF from Delphi using Named Pipes Binding

人走茶凉 提交于 2020-01-01 12:12:11
问题 Can I use Delphi 2007 to communicate with a WCF service using the netnamedpipebinding ? If so, then how? 回答1: I suggest that you create a COM-visible proxy for your service using .NET (and WCF!), then consume it from Delphi as you would any COM object. There are several reasons why implementing a native client for a WCF service listening on a NetNamedPipesBinding endpoint is extremely complex. See for more details. 回答2: Yes, you should be able to do

Getting EndpointNotFoundException with NetNamedPipeBinding in C#; Need To Create Global Named Pipe

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-29 08:44:07
问题 I am running a windows service to which I send messages over a NetNamedPipeBinding. The messages are send from a client application which is triggered by a GPO. I just installed the service and client on a new server and I'm getting the following message: System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException: There was no endpoint listening at net.pipe://localhost/VOXAServices/VOXADefaultPipe that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See

How to secure a WCF service using NetNamedPipesBinding so that it can only be called by the current user?

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-24 22:06:00
问题 I'm using a WCF service with the NetNamedPipesBinding to communicate between two AppDomains in my process. How do I secure the service so that it is not accessible to other users on the same machine? I have already taken the precaution of using a GUID in the Endpoint Address, so there's a little security through obscurity, but I'm looking for a way of locking the service down using ACL or something similar. 回答1: See

View current opened netNamedPipe channels?

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-24 00:02:36
问题 Is there any way I can determine which netNamedpipe channels are currently open? This will help me debug my WCF Client/Server and make sure I am closing my channels properly. This is similar to the netstat tool for network connections, but for netNamedPipes instead. 回答1: There is no tool to do this, as far as I am aware. You can use Process Explorer to find what handles to named pipe objects a process is holding, but this will not really answer your question. To recognise pipes which are

How to host net named pipe binding enabled wcf application in iis?

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-23 10:12:04
问题 I have a following configuration in my wcf service <endpoint address="" binding="netNamedPipeBinding" contract="WcfWithNamedPipe.IService1" bindingConfiguration="WcfWithNamedPipe.netNamedPipeBinding"> </endpoint> can any one suggest me how to host this wcf service in iis using netNamedPipe binding? 回答1: To get Named pipes to work on IIS you must enable Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) on IIS and configure the site that you are using to allow named pipes. For details see: http://msdn

Named pipe not found when using WCF netNamedPipeBinding

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-18 13:21:26
问题 I am the developer of a WCF service. My test clients work very well with it. But when it comes to real clients (using the same client proxy), it fails. The same WCF service works with netTcpBinding, this error occurs only with netNamedPipeBinding, even with ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Single Here is the exception There was no endpoint listening at net.pipe://localhost/MyService that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException

What is the maximum size that maxReceivedMessageSize can be set to for a NetNamedPipeBinding?

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-18 10:39:30
问题 I noticed that 2147483647 seems to be a popular choice for maxReceivedMessageSize but is this the limit? 回答1: Nope, the limit is Int64.MaxValue 1 which is: 9223372036854775807 回答2: MaxMessageReceivedSize in basicHttpBinding appears to be an int32 - setting it over the max value of an int32 results in: This factory buffers messages, so the message sizes must be in the range of an integer value. Parameter name: bindingElement.MaxReceivedMessageSize 回答3: MaxReceivedMessageSize and MaxBufferSize

Using WCF's net.pipe in a website with impersonate=true

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-18 06:55:19
问题 I'm trying to use WCF named pipes in a web site, and it's failing with errors: There was no endpoint listening at net.pipe://localhost/mypipename that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details. and the InnerException: The pipe name could not be obtained for net.pipe://localhost/mypipename. and there is another inner exception giving an access denied message. My web site is using impersonation, and

WCF NetNamedPipeBinding Service NorthwindService example vs MyService

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-11 04:08:25
问题 I have complete exhausted resources on trying to get NetNamedPipeBinding for my WCF Service working. I was able to get the NorthwindService example working found here. For the NorthwindService example, I have the following: namespace NorthwindServices { public class Customer : ICustomer { public string GetCustomerName(int CustomerID) { return CustomerID.ToString(); } } } namespace NorthwindServices { [ServiceContract] public interface ICustomer { [OperationContract] string GetCustomerName(int

Anyone got IIS working reliably as a WCF client

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-06 15:08:04
问题 I'm trying to get IIS6 to work reliably with a WCF service I have hosted in a separate Windows Service application on the same machine. Users connect to IIS via some HTTP exposed services, which is working fine, and then IIS needs to get some information from the Windows service to put in the HTTP response. I also need a callback channel between the Windows Service and IIS. After a lot of effort I got it working with a netTcpBinding and everything would be rosey for 5 or 10 minutes but after