
How to turn off a key listener in NetBeans wizard panels?

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-11-27 07:59:57
问题 I developed a simple plugin for NetBeans IDE. I have a little problem with default key event on TopComponenet of Wizard panel: For example: I have a wizard with 3 steps. In second step I have a JTextField where user put some values and after that appear a JList below this text field. Everything is okay until user choose a some value from list and than press key ENTER then my panel goes to next Step 3. I attach a key listener to list something like: list = new JList(new PackagesListModel());

NBGit to remote host with ssh

二次信任 提交于 2019-11-26 22:11:46
问题 I´m trying to get that working: clone a git project from an ssh server with NBGit. I get NBGit installed, works well local, but when given the connection parameters I´m not sure what is the right URL. Or maybe it is not supported at the moment? NBGit 0.4 for NB 6.9.1 on Win7 回答1: The URL should be: git@myserver:/myreppo But as reported in issue 91, that might not work very well. I would explore the workaround presented in issue 56: In your ~/.ssh directory, create a "config" file open ~/.ssh