

江枫思渺然 提交于 2020-08-05 03:52:19
问题: As JavaScript frameworks like jQuery make client side web applications richer and more functional, I've started to notice one problem... 随着像jQuery这样的JavaScript框架使客户端Web应用程序更丰富,更实用,我开始注意到一个问题...... How in the world do you keep this organized? 你是如何保持这种组织的? Put all your handlers in one spot and write functions for all the events? 将所有处理程序放在一个位置并为所有事件编写函数? Create function/classes to wrap all your functionality? 创建函数/类来包装所有功能? Write like crazy and just hope it works out for the best? 写得像疯了似的,只希望它能做到最好? Give up and get a new career? 放弃并获得新的职业? I mention jQuery, but it's really any JavaScript code

Java题库——Chapter9 String的用法

旧街凉风 提交于 2020-05-02 04:50:11
1)Which code fragment would correctly identify the number of arguments passed via the command line to a Java application, excluding the name of the class that is being invoked? 哪个代码片段可以正确地标识通过命令行传递给Java应用程序的参数的数量,而不包括正在调用的类的名称? A)int count=0; while (!(args[count].equals(""))) count ++; B)int count = args.length - 1; C)int count = args.length; D)int count = 0; while (args[count] != null) count ++; 3)Analyze the following code. class Test { public static void main(String[ ] args) { String s; System.out.println( "s is " + s); } } A)The program compiles and runs fine. B)The program has a runtime


假如想象 提交于 2020-02-26 06:33:22
GUID是否在100%的时间内是唯一的? 它会在多个线程上保持唯一性吗? #1楼 埃里克·利珀特(Eric Lippert)写了一系列非常有趣的有关GUID的文章。 全世界大约有2 30台 个人计算机(当然,许多手持设备或非PC计算设备具有或多或少相同的计算能力,但请忽略它们)。 假设我们将世界上所有这些PC都用于生成GUID。 如果每个人每秒可以生成2 20个 GUID,那么在大约2 72 秒( 一百五十万亿年)之后 ,您 极 有可能与您的特定GUID发生碰撞。 仅三十万亿年后,碰撞的几率就相当可观。 GUID指南,第一部分 GUID指南,第二部分 GUID指南,第三部分 #2楼 我遇到了重复的GUID。 我使用的是Neat Receipts台式扫描仪,它带有专有的数据库软件。 该软件具有“同步到云”功能,并且在同步时一直出现错误。 日志上的秃鹰露出了那条令人敬畏的台词: “错误”:[{“代码”:1,“消息”:“ creator_guid:已被使用”,“ guid”:“ C83E5734-D77A-4B09-B8C1-9623CAC7B167”}]}} 我有点难以置信,但是可以肯定的是,当我找到了进入本地neatworks数据库的方法并删除了包含该GUID的记录时,错误停止发生。 因此,以传闻证据回答您的问题,不是。 可以重复。 但是,发生这种情况的原因很可能不是偶然的

How can I use two css frameworks in one rails app? (Using foundation and bourbon neat on same app)

你。 提交于 2019-12-25 16:44:51
问题 I have a rails app that was built using foundation 3 (not using the gem. It is located in vendor/assets/stylesheets/foundation.min.css). And I want to gradually convert my styling code to Bourbon/Neat. One thing I have to have in mind is not to break the previous layouts while I'm not done with the recoding. Is it possible to do this? rails version: 3.2.13 ruby: 1.9.3 回答1: For any given page in your app, you can include whatever styling you want by including the stylesheets on that page. So

Remove outside gutters in Neat 2

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-23 11:24:20
问题 I've upgraded to Bourbon Neat v2 which includes the addition of gutters on the left and right side of the container grid. In v1 I could use block-collapse in the span-columns mixin to eat the gutters either side of the element, however, in v2 this mixin has been removed. There is a grid-collapse function in v2 but that doesn't quite work as I expected. My current markup is as below (reduced for brevity): .wrapper { @include grid-container; // columns: 12, gutter: 1rem @include grid-visual

Container padding in Neat/Bourbon

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-14 04:22:17
问题 I am working with Neat the first time. I am wondering how I can accomplish a padding for the outer .container. When giving the container a padding, the width of the columns within aren't right anymore and shift to the right/left. Like this one: <header> <div class='container'> <div class='logo'> <img alt='Logo' src='assets/images/logo.png'> </div> </div> </header> .container { @include outer-container; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; } header { .logo { @include span-columns( 3 ); } }

NEAT: Speciating

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-11 08:42:58
问题 I was trying to implement neat myself, using the original paper but got stuck. Let's say that in the last generation I had the following species: Specie 1: members: 100 avg_score: 100 Specie 2: members: 150 avg_score: 120 Specie 3: members: 300 avg_score: 50 Specie 4: members: 10 avg_score: 110 My attempt right now for the next gen. is the following: from each species, remove each genome except one random genome. place each genome in the species / perhaps create a new one set the score of the

Re-ordering columns with Thoughtbot Bourbon/Neat

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-04 12:17:42
问题 I was looking for the best solution on how to re-order/shift the position of columns at different breakpoints using Thoughtbot's Neat grid framework? I would like to shift elements in my header from this ( in desktop resolution): to this ( in mobile resolution): My HTML looks like this: <header> <section id='header_elements'> <p id="chocolat_logo"><strong><a href="#"><img alt="Chocolat Restaurant Logo" itemprop="logo" src="/assets/main_logo.png" /></a></strong></p> <nav> <ul> <li id='home

Re-ordering columns with Thoughtbot Bourbon/Neat

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-03 07:39:47
I was looking for the best solution on how to re-order/shift the position of columns at different breakpoints using Thoughtbot's Neat grid framework? I would like to shift elements in my header from this ( in desktop resolution): to this ( in mobile resolution): My HTML looks like this: <header> <section id='header_elements'> <p id="chocolat_logo"><strong><a href="#"><img alt="Chocolat Restaurant Logo" itemprop="logo" src="/assets/main_logo.png" /></a></strong></p> <nav> <ul> <li id='home_link'> Home </li> <li id='menus_link'> <a href="/menus/evening" itemprop="menu">Menus</a> </li> <li id=

How to do mobile first with Bourbon Neat Framework

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-03 03:58:30
问题 I've been using bourbon neat to do a desktop first layout that worked fine. However, I would like to do a mobile first versions, starting with mobile and working my way up. The default grid is 12 columns and for mobile I usually use a grid of 4. I tried changine my grid to 4 and scaling up to 12 but this didn't work. Is there a better way to do mobile first other than creating the standard desktop layout, then putting a mobile media query into each CSS selector and starting with the mobile