Run-time error '3065' Cannot execute a select query
问题 I have written lots of the queries but I'm struggling with this one. I get the run-time error 3065 when I run the following sql. Dim db As DAO.Database Dim sqlstring As String Set db = DBEngine(0).Databases(0) sqlstring = "SELECT ebk.hr_leav_amnt AS hr_clia_hour, ebk.hr_leav_type, ebk.hr_leav_code, ebk.hr_empl_code, ebk.hr_loadg_amt AS hr_loadg_amt, 'Leave Pay' AS hr_provision, mst.hr_paym_code, mst.hr_base_hour, '' AS hr_splt_accr, mst.hr_leav_abbr, ype.hr_norm_pcnt, ype.hr_allw_amnt"