
How do I display the new Squeak background in my trunk image?

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-24 15:16:27
问题 I have a Squeak 4.3 image that I have updated through 4.4 by using the trunk update stream, which pulls down source code updates from the Monticello repository here How do I get the new 4.4 desktop? In particular, how do I replace the brown antique paper background with the new grey Ulam Spiral background? 回答1: You can download the wallpaper itself here. (This URL points to the wallpaper of the current Squeak release, but you ought to have at least 6 months from today before it changes :) )

How to bind a LabelMorph/TextMorph to a variable so that the Morph reflects changes of the variable?

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-10 09:33:05
问题 I have an object with a variable containing a String. I have a window containing a LabelMorph/TextMorph (or some other Morph that displays Text?). How do i bind the LabelMorph/TextMorph to the variable, so that the label updates when the String in the variable changes? classic Smalltalk-80 dependent/change/update mechanism? Pharo Announcement framework? something different?? How would i do this? Which Morph should i use? 回答1: Depends on what you want to achieve. You might want to take a look

What is the difference between a Morph in Morphic and a NSView in Cocoa?

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-10 03:26:28
问题 I'd like to know about the things that make Morphic special. 回答1: Morphic is much more than NSView or any other graphics class that simply allow the re-implementation of a limited set of features. Morphic is an extremely malleable UI construction kit. Some design ideas behind Morphic makes this intention clear: A comprehensive hierarchy of 2D coordinate systems is included. They are not restricted to Cartesian or linear. Useful nonlinear coordinate systems include polar, logarithmic

What's the difference between Polymorph and Spec?

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-07 02:02:52
问题 Recently a Spec documentation was released on-line, how it is related with the Polymorph project? It would be nice to read about the future of these projects. Is Polymorph discontinued? 回答1: Polymorph is a UI framework. Spec is a UI description framework based on literal arrays. In other words the widgets you see on the screen come from Polymorph. A UI builder takes a Spec specification and builds those widgets: "here's a button of this size, and this is its name". In Squeak, the same

How to bind a LabelMorph/TextMorph to a variable so that the Morph reflects changes of the variable?

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-05 16:19:03
I have an object with a variable containing a String. I have a window containing a LabelMorph/TextMorph (or some other Morph that displays Text?). How do i bind the LabelMorph/TextMorph to the variable, so that the label updates when the String in the variable changes? classic Smalltalk-80 dependent/change/update mechanism? Pharo Announcement framework? something different?? How would i do this? Which Morph should i use? Depends on what you want to achieve. You might want to take a look at a way to do it with Glamour in a current Moose image. In a workspace, do-it: GLMBasicExamples new

What's the difference between Polymorph and Spec?

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-05 08:13:41
Recently a Spec documentation was released on-line , how it is related with the Polymorph project? It would be nice to read about the future of these projects. Is Polymorph discontinued? Polymorph is a UI framework. Spec is a UI description framework based on literal arrays. In other words the widgets you see on the screen come from Polymorph. A UI builder takes a Spec specification and builds those widgets: "here's a button of this size, and this is its name". In Squeak, the same relationship exists between Morphic or MVC, and ToolBuilder. 来源:

What is the difference between a Morph in Morphic and a NSView in Cocoa?

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-05 04:22:08
I'd like to know about the things that make Morphic special. Morphic is much more than NSView or any other graphics class that simply allow the re-implementation of a limited set of features. Morphic is an extremely malleable UI construction kit. Some design ideas behind Morphic makes this intention clear: A comprehensive hierarchy of 2D coordinate systems is included. They are not restricted to Cartesian or linear. Useful nonlinear coordinate systems include polar, logarithmic,hyperbolic and geographic (map like) projections. Separation of the handling of coordinate systems from the morphs